JAG's user avatar
JAG's user avatar
JAG's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
20 votes

Wildcard SSL on sub-subdomain

8 votes

List of DbConnection.GetSchema collection names?

6 votes

how to get all details about a mysql table using c#?

3 votes

Lightweight SQL database which doesn't require installation

2 votes

Getting the Foreign Key constraints of a table programatically

2 votes

How to test serial / Hyperterminal integration with C#?

2 votes

Content of a WPF button - unable to put anything but text

1 vote

question about PORT

1 vote

Controlling uniqueness in a NHibernate composite-element

1 vote

Why msi file size is bigger than main application

1 vote

How do I get this Rails 3 AJAX (JQuery) post to respond properly to a successful save?

1 vote

How do I export the SQL statement from a DTS object?

1 vote

How I can make Start Page for My Application Like Visual studio

0 votes

How can I create a human-readable script for every DTS package on a SQL server?

0 votes

TBC files from an old and unknown database system

0 votes

NHibernate.Search + Lucene.NET duplicate entries

-1 votes

Changing Theme(Color) of a panel according to Windows themes