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Kingsley's user avatar
Kingsley's user avatar
Lead Software Engineer at [withheld].
  • Member for 11 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Australia.
21 votes

Why does the free() function not return memory to the operating system?

10 votes

What real use does a double pointer have?

10 votes

Perl 6 iterate through command line arguments

9 votes

Variable X not updating when variables that should effect X change

9 votes

What is an object reference in Python?

9 votes

Unknown type name uint64_t and uint16_t uint8_t in Linux

8 votes

Why doesn't python have built-in function mean()?

8 votes

Remove the last page of a pdf file using PDFtk?

8 votes

Why pointers are not used in embedded c frequently?

7 votes

How to detect the OS / Peripherals with Kivy?

7 votes

Speed is reduced substantially when writing to serial port

7 votes

How can I "blit" my Pygame game onto an OpenGL surface?

6 votes

How to port a MFC application to Windows Embedded Compact 7?

6 votes

Getting UTC time as time_t

6 votes

How does the collidepoint function in pygame work?

5 votes

PyGame - Text with a Drop-shadow

5 votes

How to slowly draw a line in Python

5 votes

How to make drawing individual pixels efficient in pygame?

5 votes

how to sleep in one function without sleeping the whole program

5 votes

How to add color gradient to rectangle in Pygame?

5 votes

How to play video in Pygame currently?

5 votes

Why is Pygame so much slower than 2d game engines?

5 votes

How to render a Julia Set quickly with Pygame?

5 votes

How can I rewrite my collision logic in my pygame platformer?

4 votes

how should I rotate an image continuously using pygame?

4 votes

Why does graphical window freeze after about 5 seconds?

4 votes

How do I check collision between a line and a rect in pygame?

4 votes

I have a problem to allocate memory.(maybe)

4 votes

Is there a way that I can program a command line game that would work on both Windows and Linux?

4 votes

Flutter/Dart: Convert HEX color string to Color?

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