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NiRUS's user avatar
Meta thinker & doer
  • Member for 11 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
45 votes

How do I pass a server variable to client side JS in astro?

36 votes

How do browsers read and interpret CSS?

19 votes

Express change session every request

14 votes

Why has Object.observe() been deprecated

8 votes

include Compass in compiling SASS in Ionic framework?

8 votes

What is the 'global' object in NodeJS

8 votes

Angular 2, dynamic bind attribute name

7 votes

How to remove folder with npm before build

6 votes

Cloning an array in Javascript/Typescript

6 votes

find dead JavaScript code?

5 votes

stop pending requests with apollo client hooks

5 votes

Converting an HTML string to a DOM element?

4 votes

Buttons next to each other

4 votes

-ms-viewport causing div not scrolling

4 votes

How do I test for an empty JavaScript object?

4 votes

array.push.apply to implment 'concat' with explain

4 votes

How to use promises, or complete an ajax request before the function finishes?

4 votes

Storybook Global Scss variables

3 votes

How to render Next JS page on a custom Express server

3 votes

Which is more performant array.includes or string.includes?

3 votes

How to implement your own useMemo from Scratch, for React

3 votes

What happened inside of (1).toString() and 1.toString() in Javascript

3 votes

Is it possible to connect MQTT client to RabbitMQ having Node.JS as intermediate gateway?

3 votes

angular Directive - file reader not firing.. on file load

3 votes

Why Object.getPrototypeOf() and constructor.prototype logs different values

3 votes

understanding why the data attribute values are set to null

3 votes

Chrome Extension /Javascript- detecting user language in Chrome Browser

2 votes

alternate coloring of div elements css

2 votes

jquery mobile $.mobile.changePage() Windows phone 8 not working Cordova/PhoneGap

2 votes

Is it possible to get the local variable and parameter values with window.onerror