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Foxfire's user avatar
Foxfire's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
  • Earth, TX
41 votes

Can I use reflection to inspect the code in a method?

28 votes

As a developer, how should I use the special folders in Windows Vista (and Windows 7)?

22 votes

What is a good statistical math package for .Net?

20 votes

Backwards Compatibility of .NET Framework 4

16 votes

What does ShadowCopyFiles property in appdomain does?

13 votes

Formatting Numbers as Strings with Commas in place of Decimals

13 votes

Winform style issue: Windows classics style?

13 votes

Why doesn't the String class in Java implement Iterable?

12 votes

When structures are better than classes?

10 votes

String concatenation vs String Builder. Performance

8 votes

Is there any limit on stack memory?

6 votes

C# wrapper to Cairo library

5 votes

What is a .NET developer?

5 votes

Multiplayer browser game [Java]

5 votes

How can i get the location of the GAC using C#?

5 votes

How can I access the C# performance counter in the code?

5 votes

c# Listview displaying in lines

5 votes

C# Dictionary Performance

4 votes

What WPF frameworks should I use?

4 votes

How to delete characters and append strings?

4 votes

How can I send keypresses to a running process object?

4 votes

Make c# matrix code faster

4 votes

Include a unique URL in EXE

4 votes

How to determine the latest version number of a GAC assembly

4 votes

What are the important threading API calls to understand before writing multi-threaded code?

4 votes

Why isn't c++ offered as a code-behind language for

4 votes

is there any way that we can develop application in .net for iphone

4 votes

Convert Dictionary.keyscollection to array of strings

4 votes

Dispose of object more than one time error. CA2202. Is there a better way?

3 votes

What exactly does a self-describing type in .Net mean?

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