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Jonathan's user avatar
Jonathan's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
603 votes

How to read lines of a file in Ruby

65 votes

Get list of all routes defined in the Flask app

28 votes

Should I use thin or unicorn on Heroku Cedar

14 votes

Techniques for reducing database queries in a Rails app

11 votes

How to create a full Audit log in Rails for every table?

9 votes

Does something like CanCan (authorization library) exist for flask and python

8 votes

Update a many-to-many relationship with TypeORM

8 votes

using different layouts for an entire controller

7 votes

Are there other search options for heroku

7 votes

ruby rules engine

7 votes

Handshake error to mysql via ssl

6 votes

Python state-machine design

6 votes

How do I write a Apollo Server plugin to log the request and its duration

6 votes

how to loop through a collection and find something in rails

6 votes

How to catch Memory Quota exceptions in a heroku worker

5 votes

Nested Objects with Inherited Resources

5 votes

Rails 3 - CanCan -Defining a Permission for Create

5 votes

Ruby/Rails - Performing automatic calculations for a models attributes

5 votes

Rails/Cucumber/Webrat: redirect_to, flash[:notice] not working

5 votes

Converting Rails 3 to Rails 2: helpers with blocks

5 votes

Sharing code between two or more rails apps... alternatives to git submodules?

4 votes

In Ruby, inside a class method, is self the class or an instance?

4 votes

Rails paperclip image URL uploading not working

4 votes

How to rescue timeout issues (Ruby, Rails)

4 votes

Alternative to X-Sendfile on Heroku?

3 votes

ab (Apache Bench) issues on OS X

3 votes

Using Paperclip with files already on Amazon s3

3 votes

Ruby on Rails: How do I correctly define a method in the model to total up a column?

3 votes

One error message for any invalid field

3 votes

How do I look inside a Python object?