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Dimitri Cabete Jorge's user avatar
Dimitri Cabete Jorge's user avatar
Dimitri Cabete Jorge
CTO @siit
  • Member for 11 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
73 votes

Homebrew size of Cellar

52 votes

YAML with erb is not parsing

4 votes

Active Admin - How to add a 'confirm' pop up when a form is being updated

3 votes

Trouble collapsing messages with jquery and css

3 votes

secrets.yml when cloning, how to amke a new secrets.yml file

3 votes

How to Include Angular in a Rails App

2 votes

File URL in Rails

2 votes

How does various cols differ in bootstrap

2 votes

Rails: Set attribute value to nil

2 votes

Search API's and Display Data Without Saving to Database First - Ruby on Rails

2 votes

Align two divs in bootstrap

2 votes

Cannot start Rails Server due to Tzinfo gem

2 votes

ROR: capybara spec for test pagination by setting 1 entry par page

2 votes

Should I delete migration after rollback

1 vote

How save js color picker changes

1 vote

Ruby on Rails: alternative to nested partials (which are too slow)

1 vote

Find if all letters in a string are unique

1 vote

Iterate over rails active record model?

1 vote

How to execute Ruby code in html content

1 vote

CSS float left and under an image

1 vote

Why is Angularjs code not rendering in rails even though Angularjs is running?

1 vote

Floated div not taking full width

1 vote

Should I use an S3 bucket with my form_for image uploader?

0 votes

Nested Resorces :forbdden attributes

0 votes

How do I fix this XSS warning on rails

0 votes

Rails 4 - unit test failing to create model object

0 votes

Jammit gem error on production

0 votes

Rails 4 - Nested resources - REST API render json error

0 votes

how to expand matematic formulas in output HTML element

0 votes

Pass an ID from one show page to another to view