Ganesh Kamath - 'Code Frenzy''s user avatar
Ganesh Kamath - 'Code Frenzy''s user avatar
Ganesh Kamath - 'Code Frenzy''s user avatar
Ganesh Kamath - 'Code Frenzy'
Member of Technical Staff (DMTF DASH Tools) Developer at AMD
  • Member for 11 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
70 votes

How to resolve "git pull,fatal: unable to access '\': Empty reply from server"

34 votes

Create a batch file to run an .exe with an additional parameter

23 votes

_iterator_debug_level value '0' doesn't match value '2'

12 votes

XMLHttpRequest throwing InvalidSateError saying "Object state must be opened"

11 votes

C++ equal, not equal,

10 votes

C# - Stretching a textbox to fit the containing window

9 votes

How to solve error LNK2019

8 votes

xxPython comment multiple line not working in array

5 votes

How to loop through all the files located under a certain path in zsh?

5 votes

C++ Read from file and assign to a variables

5 votes

Newtonsoft.Json.Schema.JsonSchema is obsolete?

4 votes

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _SDDL_DEVOBJ_SYS_ALL_ADM_RWX_WORLD_RW_RES_R

4 votes

nohup is not recognized as internal or external command

4 votes

Simple summation program on cpp

4 votes

Understanding the try-block

3 votes

How to have a quartet of values using replace in notepad++

3 votes

While loop in C

3 votes

Do...while loop keeps looping even when condition is not met

3 votes

Exec in Python 2.7.6

3 votes

Write to file python - Linebreak issue (\n)

3 votes

Program crashed when assigning value to a structure field

3 votes

What is the address space in Go(lang)?

3 votes

Python: How to raise an exception when keyword does not match up?

2 votes

NZEC error in C code on codechef

2 votes

Regex (PHP) - How to match as many times as possible with multiple lines

2 votes

Write a program that prints out the sum of the numbers in the file

2 votes

Searching and printing regular expression from a file in python

2 votes

Compound Interest Function in C++

2 votes

single line if statement - Python

2 votes

Printing a specific pattern in C Programming using for loops

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