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ttulka's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
256 votes

Repeat HTML element multiple times using ngFor based on a number

111 votes

Comparing Arrays of Objects in JavaScript

50 votes

Async / await is not working (javascript / DynamoDB)

36 votes

DynamoDB get item TypeScript hell

27 votes

What's the right way to return from an AWS Lambda function in Node.js?

14 votes

AWS CodePipeline error: Cross-account pass role is not allowed

13 votes

How to find out the currently logged-in user in Spring Boot?

9 votes

nodejs retry function if failed X times

7 votes

Reflection in JavaScript: How to intercept an object for function enhancement, decoration and delegation?

6 votes

Set focus on a specific item of a combobox without selecting it

6 votes

How to subscribe a SQS queue to a SNS topic in Java

5 votes

How to get the current logged in user object from spring security?

5 votes

Add a new property to an object property

5 votes

AWS Lambda not invoked when using 'Event' invocation type

4 votes

Flyway cannot find migrations inside Jar

4 votes

Typescript - "... is not a function or its return value is not iterable"

4 votes

Different behavior in calling @Bean annotated methods

4 votes

AWS Lambda sequential problem using DynamoDB

4 votes

AWS CodePipeline passing wrong JobId to Lambda (nodejs)

4 votes

Amazon SDK region provider chain error

4 votes

How to validate and remove unwanted attributes from JSON request payload in nodejs?

4 votes

Update existing Log Group using CloudFormation

4 votes

Amazon SNS Inline Java Subscription for Testing

3 votes

Cannot set a variable's value inside cypress command cy.get() to use outside the command

3 votes

Can not make asynchronous function

3 votes

Object.assign({}, item) to merge objects into one doesn't work

3 votes

Gradle custom builds

3 votes

Why can't I upload a file to s3 with my Lambda function?

3 votes

AWS Lambda JavaScript SDK async handler

3 votes

Writing Unit Tests for inherited classes in Java

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