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wasker's user avatar
wasker's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 13 years ago
21 votes

Explain Facade pattern with c++ example?

20 votes

How to MOQ an Indexed property

10 votes

Why are Tk GUI's considered ugly?

9 votes

Simplest source control ever - what do you use?

4 votes

absolute vs. relative links?

4 votes

Why Isn't My C Code Being Compiled To An EXE

3 votes

When would you use the Builder Pattern?

2 votes

Microsoft.NET and the Multicore CPU of Doom

2 votes

Copy Directory to Output Directory - Console Application .NET

2 votes

Tell me again why we need both .NET and Windows? Why can't Windows morph into the CLR?

1 vote

Using Generics to encapsulate common method work

1 vote

Connecting to my Home Version Control Repository remotely?

1 vote

Linq-to-SQL How to prevent the use of Delete methods?

1 vote

dllimport failed to locate dll even though it is in the PATH

1 vote

Why I cannot get equal upload and download speed on symmetrical channel?

1 vote

TCPIP networking with C#

0 votes

How do you define a Single Responsibility?

0 votes

Remoting performance degrades over the time

0 votes

Confusion about installing windows service using command prompts

0 votes

Why are networking UI's so technical and unintuitive?

0 votes

Can you simplify this expression?

0 votes

Compiling Issue. C#

0 votes

C# -> Updating an AppSettings.config file on Win7/Vista