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Walter R's user avatar
Walter R's user avatar
Walter R
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
14 votes

Why is git pull showing new branches all the time?

5 votes

UVA's 3n+1 wrong answer although the test cases are correct . . .?

5 votes

How can I highlight cells in Google Sheets if current month?

3 votes

Identifying the function used in this d3 stacked bar chart example

3 votes

How to remove Date Ordinals (st, nd, rd, th)

2 votes

SQL Server converting varbinary to string

1 vote

Removing character in list of strings

1 vote

Custom Cell.accessoryView of UITableView showing only first row in iOS

1 vote

AngularJS: $http get Json from external file

0 votes

How does the jQuery .each() function export the index as a usable variable?

0 votes

Angular checkboxes and ng-repeat not showing up in model

0 votes

How does ngCloak work?

0 votes

Test if a value exists in a map in a ng-if

0 votes

Uva's 3n+1 problem

0 votes

Using a UITableViewController with a small-sized table?

0 votes

IOS7 UITableView grouped like in Settings App

0 votes

How to create a method to count characters in an array

0 votes

CGPoint from UITapGestureRecognizer

0 votes

How to code different selection backgrounds for each icon for IOS

-1 votes

Custom Cell look in UITableVIew

-1 votes

Function Inside a JavaScript Function Without Declaring it Everytime Anew