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Shaneis's user avatar
Shaneis's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
8 votes

Replace dots, commas and hyphens in SQL Server 2012

6 votes

Can I restrict SQL Server to execute code only when some code is selected?

4 votes

Cannot use WITH statement two times

4 votes

How to check if a PowerShell switch parameter is absent or false

3 votes

SQL Server combine rows into single column

3 votes

Powershell Test-Path output -eq "False" not working

3 votes

Generate Row Number for every 3 rows

3 votes

Recursive SQL query to identify

3 votes

How can I add Multiple WHERE condtions

2 votes

How to insert bulk of column data to temp table?

2 votes

SQL Server : getting certain table names from query

2 votes

Select from multiple tables and combine into single row of temp table

2 votes

Exporting from SQL Server into CSV files with ISO-8859-15 encoding

2 votes

scalar valued function having cte and top 1 within 'Exist' function

2 votes

SQL get first available date before 'xxxx-xx-xx'

2 votes

Getting additional rows from power-shell Export-Excel command

2 votes

Powershell Get-ChildItem cmlet with '-recurse' optional

2 votes

More than one criteria SQL IIF

1 vote

Replacing characters with diacritics in a string

1 vote

Powershell exporting csv issue

1 vote

get-winevent: Property Field filled with System.String[] after removing descriptional content parts

1 vote

Group By Month and Year to get distinct month and years then combine as a single date SQL

1 vote

SQL Server - Store/save DateDIFF via SQL server agent

1 vote

SQL Server - remove leading and trailing zeros

1 vote

Any reason why I shouldn't use "between X and Y" on a varchar field in SQL to return a number?

1 vote

Separate two rows in one column and display it in two columns

1 vote

Current date UPDATE statement not working in SQL Server 2012

1 vote

SQL Select latest record for employee if value is "Selected"

1 vote

Is there any way that I could get the table from one running SP and give it to another SP in SQL Server?

1 vote

Splitting a string in SQL Server according to requirement