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dornhege's user avatar
dornhege's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
18 votes

What was the issue solved by the new "using" syntax for template typedefs?

9 votes

How do rewrite this check in C

8 votes

Don't need to two function for + overload?

5 votes

C changing a bit of uint32_t not working

4 votes

How to log a variable's name and value?

4 votes

How to read a space character from a text file in c++

3 votes

replace all words in a big list

3 votes

QPushButton not displaying

3 votes

C++ Separate Function File

3 votes

strange behavior in cout c++

3 votes

Binary tree recursive add not producing correct result

3 votes

C++ variable naming

3 votes

questions regarding passing pointers

2 votes

Change format from c language to c++

2 votes

Freeing memory of container members

2 votes

Clean way to format flags checks

2 votes

When const ref being replaced by the original object (non-const), does the const-ness goes away?

2 votes

C++ error array and struct

2 votes

Error: no operand "<<" matches these operands when try to use Qstring with OStream object

2 votes

cpp two dimensional dynamic array

2 votes

extending base class by casting it to derived and setting the data

2 votes

How do i check/validate existing file with my requirement in python

2 votes

What does Ampersand do after a variable?

2 votes

Compiling a C++ to smallest possible size

2 votes

How to print definition of a variable in python?

2 votes

c++ vector size and capacity outputting same value

1 vote

can't understand the term 'static'

1 vote

g++ unordered_map has no at() function?

1 vote

undefined reference to public methods/variables of a class

1 vote

Why does this Python list of dictionary only have the keys of the dictionary?