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dennismonsewicz's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 1 month
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12 votes

Rails find getting ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound

10 votes

Could not find generator refinerycms

10 votes

jQuery UI Sortable stop event after drag and drop

9 votes

bundle exec rake test does nothing

7 votes

jQuery: count number of rows in a table

6 votes

reorder list elements - jQuery?

6 votes

Rails multi select defaults

4 votes

jQuery Tools Tooltip: show on page load

4 votes

Rails 3 Generate Seed file from single Database Table

4 votes

How to get today's day of previous month in ruby?

4 votes

Devise sign in with JSON request not working when authentication fails

3 votes

Running PHPUnit on command line errors out

3 votes

Locomotive CMS undefined method `count' for nil:NilClass

2 votes

CoffeeScript Class and jQuery

2 votes

Rails 3 Encoding::CompatibilityError

2 votes

CSS min-width in IE6, 7, and 8

2 votes

Array not working with will_paginate, despite requiring 'will_paginate/array'?

1 vote

Rails: Loading in array of partials

1 vote

Rails - Generate email address when one doesn't exist with Omniauth integration

1 vote

Rails 3 - Dynamically change out css class based on Controller name

1 vote

save an Array to cookie and then load it back to an array

1 vote

FriendlyId triggers BEFORE model validations. How do I get around this?

1 vote

Hapijs + Angularjs cookie session with correct cors configuration not working

1 vote

AWS Elastic Beanstalk: Loading local module causes errors

1 vote

how to remote control windows from linux without close the session

1 vote

jQuery detect if textarea is empty

1 vote

Sinatra: DB Authentication with Sessions

1 vote

HTML5 Canvas: collision detection issues

1 vote

Rails 3: ActiveAdmin Gem 406 HTTP Issue

1 vote

Ruby: Format already formatted date string