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Ryan's user avatar
Ryan's user avatar
Backend Engineer
  • Member for 14 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
56 votes

Load and use fixture in rails console

19 votes

How do I get 'puma' to start, automatically, when I run `rails server` (like Thin does)

12 votes

Rails Simpleform with non-model inputs

10 votes

How to I get Github to notify me of review requests?

8 votes

Why are Rails Weekday indexes different than Ruby's?

4 votes

Update the values of a dataframe

3 votes

Git refs/stash not empty but running git stash list shows nothing

3 votes

RSpec Fails argument match expectation despite no diff

2 votes

Ruby how display regex (in logs and screen)

2 votes

Rails: How to prevent routing clashes with static and dynamic pages?

2 votes

how do i check that all attributes/values in a class or json object are nil

2 votes

What's the ruby way to write a multi-line lazily calculated methods?

2 votes

Fetch a snippet of string value from any website

2 votes

What does this list contain in Python, or is it a list?

2 votes

How to count items in a specific row from a multi lined string

2 votes

Python string-bytes to bytes

1 vote

Find if an item comes before another item in an array

1 vote

How to write a function that takes a dictionary and prints the entries of the dictionary in alphabetical order?

1 vote

Converting into an appropriate distance matrix (for TSP)

1 vote

How can I access an ActiveRecord grandparent association through a parent association that has not yet been saved?

1 vote

Is it possible to get all the eigenclasses in Ruby?

1 vote

How to make show page date attribute view different?

1 vote

populate a pandas column with the id from the min value of another pandas DF

1 vote

pct_change() not working on dataframe. str & str error

1 vote

Select and minimum value of a data frame column, by category

1 vote

Pandas calculating month difference vector

1 vote

pandas read csv where csv's col names are in second row?

0 votes

Pandas print string based on condition in seperate dataframe

0 votes

Comparing current time to specific time range

0 votes

reading a TOML config file from CLI with argparse