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Giorgos Neokleous's user avatar
Giorgos Neokleous's user avatar
Giorgos Neokleous
Android Engineer
  • Member for 10 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
13 votes

Toggling visibility in Kotlin, isVisible unresolved reference

10 votes

Start activity even when screen is turned off

8 votes

How to emit data from an asycnhronous callback using Kotlin Flow?

6 votes

Optional query parameters are not working with Room

6 votes

How to reset Google Advertising ID in Android Programmatically?

5 votes

When setting text on a TextView it takes way too long to display the text on screen

4 votes

Can't toggle offline mode

4 votes

Library module doesn't include dependencies in Android

3 votes

Difference between APK extension(OBB file) and app Bundle

3 votes

How to Program Segue when the button is clicked the second time

2 votes

Kotlin write a function that checks potentially dozens of values and returns their non-null values with lambda type

2 votes

Observing database object changes made from the background thread

2 votes

RoomDb Query Returning null

2 votes

Android notification setFullScreenIntent doesn't automatically launch the activity

2 votes

Clean Architecture UseCase with Progress[No RxJava]

2 votes

How do I add Listener to ObjectAnimator in Kotlin?

2 votes

Should I be using ViewModelProvider instead of ViewModelProviders? If so, why?

1 vote

Could not execute method for android:onClick ERROR

1 vote

Delete android file located in raw or assets directories

1 vote

IllegalStateException in Android. Exception copied from Play Store console

1 vote

LiveData not updating after changed using Handler PostDelayed?

1 vote

How can I know which button was clicked in the notification?

1 vote

How to make font a bit larger or smaller in a TextView relative to its size

1 vote

How do i add an email address for a user who is authenticated using phone authentiation

1 vote

Having context as primary constructor parameter inside a repository is good or bad

1 vote

How to scan all open source libraries used in a project?

1 vote

How to convert some functions from an Activity to a Fragment?

1 vote

Coroutine async not happening in order

1 vote

Dagger2, interface in presenter

1 vote

Mockito returns null in SharedPreferences after updating mockito-core to version 3.0.0