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Oli's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 11 months
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15 votes

PHP - exit from IF block

8 votes

Switching from Gulp to Webpack

7 votes

Make array from checkbox form

7 votes

Symfony2 / Doctrine: Reading "deleted" data when using Gedmo's doctrine extensions

6 votes

Track impressions from image src tag

5 votes

youtube link regex

5 votes

is if elseif elseif possible vs if else ?

5 votes

PHP syntax - what's this?

5 votes

Run python file in subdirectory Docker

4 votes

To take out those dept who has no employees assigned to it

4 votes

Bulding a query of three tables in mysql

3 votes

MySql - Is it better to select from many tables with union or using temp tables?

3 votes

PHP/MYSQL duplicating last row on insert statement

3 votes

Convert CamelCase to camel_case in MySQL

3 votes

EasyAdmin image path

3 votes

gitignore does not ignore .DS_Store files

2 votes

Setting parameters conditionally in symfony

2 votes

Ajax POST with mysqli database query

2 votes

Show aggregate count of large number of entities in Symfony 3.4 Easy Admin bundle

2 votes

Why do regex patterns result in "bad string" errors in jsonschema?

2 votes

EasyAdmin 3: limit data to the logged-in user still shows other data in form dropdowns

2 votes

How to create $scope functions that never reads $scope?

2 votes

WYSIWYG HTML editors, characters left and MySQL storage Optimization

2 votes

printing out lists and dictionaries with indents in python

2 votes

What is the default value of a (input type=) submit button

2 votes

PHP from database and query

2 votes

SQL query gives too many results

1 vote

Many to many relationship SQL query

1 vote

SQL statement not deleting in PHP

1 vote

Does it make sense to replace sub-queries by join?