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Govinda Sakhare's user avatar
Govinda Sakhare
  • Member for 9 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
  • India
67 votes

What's the difference between .kt and .kts files in Kotlin. When should we use .kts file over .kt file?

44 votes

Auto errors detection in IntelliJ IDEA

40 votes

JUnit 5: How to assert an exception is thrown?

18 votes

Purpose of Service Interface Class in Spring Boot

11 votes

What is the difference between evict and detach in hibernate?

9 votes

IntelliJ IDE error java: warnings found and -Werror specified

6 votes

How to attach VM options for maven command line

6 votes

Why does @Transactional isolation level have no effect when updating entities with Spring Data JPA?

6 votes

Java 11 : Execution default-compile of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0:compile failed.: NullPointerException

5 votes

How do I find sum of a number range using multiple threads?

5 votes

Can I return an API response without waiting on other external API calls in Spring Boot?

4 votes

How to call methods from a Thymeleaf template in Spring Boot?

4 votes

Can I set default value in a placeholder if the first property is not null but is empty?

4 votes

Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: UnsatisfiedDependencyException

4 votes

Joining two lists together separated by a comma in Java

3 votes

How to initialize data sturcture before starting spring application?

3 votes

Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") Error Class Not Found

3 votes

How to run java jars on nginx server locally?

3 votes

How to sort an array of strings by everything but the first letter

3 votes

Updating a List of Object from another list of object using java stream

3 votes

In JUnit 5 parametrized tests. CSV inputs. Is there a way to pass Double.NaN, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY?

3 votes

"Validation failed for object='user'. Error count: 1" instead of "email must not be null"

3 votes

In reactive java how to collect all elements from flux, only if element value the same as first

2 votes

Build failing due to version only via terminal

2 votes

"Autogenerated PK as Id" and "Autogenerated UUIDs as String" in a single Entity Spring Data JPA

2 votes

How can I read octet-stream to plain string/text by using java?

2 votes

HashMap Inside of ArrayList in Java geting Over Write

2 votes

HBASE error : Unrecognized VM option 'UseConcMarkSweepGC'

2 votes

How to write a function to find a value bigger than N in parallel

2 votes

What is the difference between java.lang.reflect and the maven org.reflections?

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