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SomeCallMeTim's user avatar
SomeCallMeTim's user avatar
Software Engineering Consultant at CodeRescue
  • Member for 13 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
193 votes

How do I override nested dependencies with `yarn`?

140 votes

How to increase storage for Android Emulator? (INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE)

22 votes

File Operations in Android NDK

10 votes

ndk-gdb with multiple so libs

7 votes

Android NDK: How to clean up native code after restarting activity?

7 votes

MinGW “The procedure entry point libintl_setlocale could not be located …”

7 votes

How to get blame information of a line of code on a repository from github API

5 votes

javascript library for client side storage with server side sync

5 votes

Android OpenAL?

5 votes

Android NDK Confusion

5 votes

How to resolve the java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError in NDK in Android?

4 votes

How to resolve Chicken/Egg situation with `tsc` and `npm install`?

3 votes

Where is the "stack tool" for android dev? (to help debug native c++ code)

3 votes

NDK Android - Can't build ARMv5 and V7 at the same time

3 votes

How do I rotate a canvas without disturbing the coordinate system in Android?

2 votes

Android incoming call interception , call forwarding

2 votes

How can I specify a file to be copied in an file

2 votes

program g++ not found in path

2 votes

Running C# code from C++ application (Android NDK) for free

1 vote

Create array structure in JavaScript that omits indexing

1 vote

Algorithm to maintain a sorted (numerically) list of numbers (Doubles)

1 vote

No JNI_Onload() found and VM shutting down

1 vote

Load URI from myContentProvider fails (null result)

1 vote

Box2d body moves faster after step is stopped and restarted in a pause [Android]

1 vote

When I set the theme, it doesn't update on device

1 vote

Android: sound API (deterministic, low latency)

1 vote

android ndk: cannot find android_runtime

1 vote

android library linking

1 vote

C++: Container of original pointers

0 votes

User Java class in the Android NDK