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ziishaned's user avatar
ziishaned's user avatar
Senior Software Engineer at XpertSea
  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
216 votes

How to run TypeScript files from command line?

44 votes

What does the error "JSX element type '...' does not have any construct or call signatures" mean?

39 votes

How to await inside setInterval in JS?

31 votes

How to programmatically clear/reset React-Select?

20 votes

export JSON file from index file in typescript

17 votes

How to use files with multiple extensions with Prettier?

16 votes

Mongoose, Select a specific field with find

14 votes

IntelliJ, Java formatting: force empty blocks to be on one line

8 votes

error TS1192: Module '" A.module"' has no default export

6 votes

Changing Developer Tools Font Face (family)

5 votes

Icon in bootstrap 4 inside the input

4 votes

JavaScript generate random number except some values

3 votes

I am trying to assign value to varibale outside of callback function but it is not assigning value ans shows udefined

3 votes

change the value of the src attribute of all the image

3 votes

How to call a specific object with no name inside of an array of array in javascript?

3 votes

Create/Update a Git pull request from command line?

2 votes

How to use grid system inside <nav> tag?

2 votes

reactJS and reading a text file

2 votes

How to set default value on an input box with select2 initialized on it?

2 votes

How do I update/upsert a document in Mongoose?

2 votes

How can we import the image from one js file to another js file

2 votes

Is there an easy way to load json in a node module?

2 votes

Difficulty in selecting the checkbox by the user

2 votes

issue in merge two array and remove duplicate entry in php

2 votes

Mongoose: aggregate query to return an array of strings instead to array of objects

2 votes

How to push data to an object key that may not exist yet in typescript

2 votes

Animated: `useNativeDriver` was not specified issue of ReactNativeBase Input

1 vote

How to delete all files and subdirectories in a directory with Node.js

1 vote

how to change data on mongoDb

1 vote

Remove value from nested array item react native