ramblinjan's user avatar
ramblinjan's user avatar
ramblinjan's user avatar
Curriculum Manager - Full Stack Web
  • Member for 13 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
202 votes

API pagination best practices

149 votes

Getting View's coordinates relative to the root layout

67 votes

Split array into two arrays

18 votes

How can I delete a Facebook app that I developed?

5 votes

How can I read my circles/streams in Google-plus

5 votes

Cross-platform method for removing the address bar in a mobile web app

5 votes

What makes this snippet not a strict quine?

5 votes

Flash Player plugin inside WebView draws on top of views that should have been on top of the Flash Player

4 votes

Apache ~ How to Not Start Apache on Computer Boot

4 votes

css/html Simple progress bar using hr tag

4 votes

Can I programmatically hide a step in jWizard?

3 votes

Website media player conflicting with web site's navigation bar

3 votes

Why should I put JSON server responses under a `data` field for can.Model?

3 votes

What styles should I use in a DroneDeploy App?

3 votes

Redirect traffic of Google Talk for Android

3 votes

fancybox next prev or goTo

3 votes

extjs, Slideout animation doesnot work when I put a duration on it

3 votes

What hash algorithms are supported by modern Javascript?

2 votes

living singleton, when activity end

2 votes

How to trigger a function on a value that can change?

2 votes

how to show a 'looks good' message in jquery validator?

2 votes

Using jQuery to display input TITLE as VALUE (jsfiddle included)

2 votes

How To Parse HTML to Find youtube or Vimeo Videos on page with Jquery

2 votes

How do I make a deep copy of a dynamically created element in jQuery?

1 vote

Apply styles regardless if the element has been added to the DOM with jQuery

1 vote

Type Error i is undefined

1 vote

Loading a template from an external file in CanJS

1 vote

Soft Keyboard getting NullPointerException when calling canvas.drawtext

1 vote

Is there a way to force a reflow before a long-running JavaScript operation?

1 vote

Links to a Hangout session