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Nettle's user avatar
Nettle's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Washington, DC, USA
69 votes

Replace all occurrences of a string in a data frame

54 votes

Filter rows which contain a certain string

27 votes

Correct syntax for mutate_if

23 votes

Extract info inside all parenthesis in R

13 votes

R: how to total the number of NA in each col of data.frame

10 votes

Shift values in single column of dataframe up

8 votes

Working with dictionaries/lists to get list of keys

7 votes

mutate variable if column name contains a string

6 votes

Add column sum to table

4 votes

Remove all text between two brackets

4 votes

Use dplyr to add a new column of based on max row value?

2 votes

Filter each column of a data.frame based on a specific value

2 votes

dplyr - apply a custom function using rowwise()

2 votes

dplyr join by exclusion?

2 votes

Merging two datasets based on inconsistent column names

2 votes

Apply function at different levels of a tibble

2 votes

Alternatives to nested ifelse statements in R

2 votes

Mutating based on multiple columns in a data frame

2 votes

Dplyr: looping the creation of new columns

1 vote

String substitution where the old and new strings are in columns

1 vote

Extract rows from data frame which have matches from vector, but matches must be all the way at the end of string in value

1 vote

subtracting two data frames

1 vote

Selectively apply custom function based on criteria

1 vote

str_extract: Extracting exactly nth word from a string

1 vote

tidyr::spread resulting in multiple rows

1 vote

Move string to new column and replace with NA

1 vote

Filter rows based on multiple conditions using dplyr

1 vote

Change a column value if other specific columns with a specific value?

1 vote

Replacing full name with last name and initial with messy data

1 vote

How to split columns with 3 data attributes in-name into several columns, then collapse across different levels of aggregation?