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brettjonesdev's user avatar
brettjonesdev's user avatar
Lead Frontend Engineer
  • Member for 13 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
102 votes

Java POI cannot find symbol WorkbookFactory

24 votes

Use Handlebars.js with Backbone.Marionette

16 votes

When to use a Backbone.View vs. Backbone.Marionette.ItemView?

9 votes

Backbone sync error even after response code 200

7 votes

Nested transaction on Spring

6 votes

How do I ignore $1 replace backreferencing in javascript

6 votes

Determine if a google user's domain has my marketplace app installed

6 votes

Setting up JS debugging with IntelliJ/WebStorm and PhantomJS/Casper

2 votes

Java same class in same package in different projects on Eclipse

2 votes

Marionette CollectionView with one unique ItemView

2 votes

Using data returned from AjaxSubmit

1 vote

Shared Collections Between Modules

1 vote

How to use Select2 with Backbone Marionette views outside the DOM

1 vote

Twitter bootstrap with font instead of images?

1 vote

Java: passing an argument with a different type to a function

1 vote

RabbitMQ / AMQP: single queue, multiple consumers for same message?

1 vote

How to authenticate a user from the Google Apps Marketplace Universal Navigation Link

0 votes

How can I configure Webpack 4 to automatically import split chunks when a bundle is requested via script tag?

0 votes

react router doesn't re-render after history push

0 votes

Backbone.js events not being recognized in IE8

0 votes

Converting JSON to a html table

0 votes

call Reference by string

0 votes

Twitter Bootstrap Template with Spring MVC

0 votes

My Jquery slider is working locally but not on Web Server

-1 votes

Require in Typescript