Ihor Pomaranskyy's user avatar
Ihor Pomaranskyy's user avatar
Ihor Pomaranskyy's user avatar
Ihor Pomaranskyy
  • Member for 13 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
88 votes

How to get Request.User in Django-Rest-Framework serializer?

50 votes

Simple way to reset Django PostgreSQL database?

35 votes

automate usage of SSH local key for git deployment with ansible

32 votes

Django: I get a [relation "auth_group" does not exist] error after syncdb

30 votes

Django urls straight to html template

14 votes

"maximum recursion depth exceeded" while packaging py file with py2exe

14 votes

django-signals vs triggers?

12 votes

Change default Python interpreter on Windows XP

12 votes

how to provide 'make directory as source root' from pyCharm to terminal

12 votes

Django: Get current user in model save

12 votes

django many-to-many recursive relationship

11 votes

PIL - draw multiline text on image

10 votes

Pycharm: "scanning files to index" is taking forever

8 votes

Python: the end of the day using 24hr clock for datetime module

7 votes

Does it matter if you use tuple vs list in installed_apps in Django

6 votes

python can I suppy username and password to os.listdir?

6 votes

How to update model object in django?

6 votes

pause/resume a timer Observable

5 votes

What does {6} do in Django URL dispatcher

5 votes

Pass expression as named argument name

4 votes

Using Python Unittest to test results in an array

4 votes

How to find words inside two text files

4 votes

Django 1.5 custom User model error. "Manager isn't available; User has been swapped"

3 votes

Django templates: verbose version of a choice

3 votes

try except IndentationError

3 votes

Try/Except block declaring multiple values

3 votes

Django 'likes' - ManyToManyField vs new model

3 votes

When I run test cases I get this error: psycopg2.OperationalError: cursor "_django_curs_140351416325888_23" does not exist

3 votes

Copying part of a list in Python

3 votes

Make a unittest for a function that uploads a file to S3 using boto3

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