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Iakovos Belonias's user avatar
Iakovos Belonias's user avatar
Iakovos Belonias
DevOps Engineer
  • Member for 8 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
13 votes

How to have multiple object types in a single openshift yaml template?

4 votes

How to check if csv file is empty using pandas in python?

4 votes

Is it possible to prevent a ReplicaSet from scaling up/down?

3 votes

How to Add user when creating docker image from alpine base image

3 votes

aws codebuild UPLOAD_ARTIFACTS - CLIENT_ERROR: Error uploading artifacts: AccessDenied: Access Denied status code: 403

3 votes

How to Geo-tag an image using latitude and longitude from a text file?

3 votes

How to allow only authors of the entry to edit it in UpdateView logic

3 votes

Django doesn't see static files

3 votes

EC2 instance connect : There was a problem setting up the instance connection

2 votes

Nexus 3 create clean up policy with Groovy script

2 votes

Django - Check if form submit button was clicked?

2 votes

Cannot configure youtube plugin in django-ckeditor

2 votes

How to initialise PostgreSQL instance by creating database and tables

2 votes

How to fix en error when running an SQL Script in MySQL Workbench?

2 votes

How to check whether FTP login is successful or not in Python ftplib?

2 votes

Declare variables and increase that inside Django templates

2 votes

How to create K8S deployment in specific namespace?

2 votes

Django - How to render html and return a json at the same time

2 votes

Importing .db file into Postgresql database

2 votes

How to throw exception if input params is invalid in Django Template

2 votes

Python: unnable to get any output using beautifulsoup

1 vote

While loop referring to time

1 vote

Function not outputing a value in Python

1 vote

Django Admin - prevent save under certain conditions and display message to user

1 vote

How to fix date formatting using python3

1 vote

Amazon textextract I can't find trp module

1 vote

Why does vscode delete golang source on save

1 vote

Not getting the expected layout(design) on my Django website

1 vote

Parse and split .txt file and export into .csv rows using Python

1 vote

extracting &lt and &gt from html using python