I'm looking for a student job to help me finance my studies at University of Tours in UFR Blois, below follows my skills.
My abilities and fields that I have interests is:
- ETL process;
- Postgresql Database;
- Data Cleaner;
- Suite Pentaho;
- Pyhton - Scripts;
- Python/Scrapy;
- PDI/Kettle;
- Saiku;
- Frontend - HTML5,javascript,CSS,bootstrap;
I’ve finished high school with a computer specialization. Where I was accepted at the Federal University Of Pernambuco in 2011. I’ve chosen Applied Systems of Information specialization, as my interests in programming, BI, hackthons and Project Management were confirmed. I have only excellent marks from all years of education. I speak two foreign languages English and French.
Currently, with 3 years of profissional experience in data analysis I was accepted at Tours University for a Master's degree in Big data management and analytics.