Hi, I'm Jo King, a moderator on Code Golf.
My favourite tags are quine, polyglot and restricted-source.
Usually using languages like:
- Raku (formerly known as Perl 6)
- brainfuck
- Befunge-93
- ><>
Less often:
- Python 3
- Hexagony
- Befunge-98
- Brain-Flak
- Lost
- Gol><>
Languages I've created
- Cascade, a 2D language where you can only move down
- Backhand, a 1D language that's interesting to golf
- Symbolic Raku, a restricted subset of Raku that disallows alphanumeric characters
Posts I'm proud of:
If someone comments on a question "I wish there was a brainfuck solution", I feel obliged to provide one.