Yoshi Noda is a programmer for 35 years He is mostly a freelancer but he worked for a company on and off sometimes. He received B.A. in English from Hosei University in Tokyo in 1980. In 1989, he attended San Jose State University in California, USA aiming to get M.S. in the computer science major. But he decided not to continue after one year.
After coming back to Japan, he started working for Toshiba Software Engineering Laboratory as a contractor. Yoshi contributed developing applications for Sun Workstation then popular computer for use among researchers. He created X-Window GUI apps and text processing software including a FORTH language interpreter. Later he moved on to web system development as the industry shifted to web systems and Unix workstations became obsolete. Text processing is always his favorite type of software development. What he did so far include development of computer language parsers, text extraction and classification, and text format converters. Recently, he helped designing the system and developed the backend language processors for the Modkit visual programming system. He lives in Kamakura, Kanagawa-ken, Japan now. It is about an hour from Tokyo station.