Computer Science Associate class programmer..
I'm still a learner and ever will be.
Mostly using Javascript, React, Node.js, jQuery, C#, .Net, .Net Core, MVC, Razor, LINQ, Entity Framework, Identity Framework, N-Tier Architecture...
I have experience with IBM iSeries AS400 system and SQL, Mongo, SOAP, RabbitMQ, SignalR, Redis. As a plus I also have experience on Stock Trading, FIX(Financial Information Exchange), Stocking and Certificate programs.
Usually working with WebServices and most of my time spent on FrontEnd(UI/UX).
Really like debugging.. It helps me to understand others style/way of thinking.
Till now I've done most projects only by my self but I also have experience in team projects. Reason I've been alone in most projects; I was the only guy that knew other programming languages/systems than the teams I worked with so that caused me to work in FullStack mode.
I do share experience easily without overthinking, got helpfull and calm skills that keeps the team on target.