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  • Member for 15 years
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18 votes

viewWillDisappear: Determine whether view controller is being popped or is showing a sub-view controller

17 votes

NSFetchedResultsController with search

15 votes

Detecting whether shiny runs the R code

9 votes

How to implement re-ordering of CoreData records?

9 votes

Best way to move files between S3 buckets?

9 votes

How to right align columns of DataTable in R Shiny?

9 votes

How do you implement Google authentication in a shiny R app?

5 votes

How to bookmark a Shiny selectizeInput with dynamic options?

4 votes

Fixing predicated NSFetchedResultsController/NSFetchRequest performance with SQLite backend?

3 votes

NSTimer with delegate method

3 votes

How to optimize Core Data query for full text search

2 votes

Objective-C error: Property 'active' is a scalar type on class 'Routine'. Cannot generate a getter method for it

2 votes

Run Hadoop job without using JobConf

2 votes

Is there a unique session id/ session key assigned to each shinyR session?

2 votes

Why set.seed() affects sample() in R

2 votes

How to bookmark a Shiny selectizeInput with dynamic options?

1 vote

How to Update a Shiny bs4Dash descriptionBlock server side

1 vote

SQL Find duplicate sets

1 vote

How do I toggle a cell class in a shiny DT datatable?

0 votes

R Shiny - Dynamic download link in datatable

0 votes

ggplot2: how to differentiate click from brush?

0 votes

How do I retrieve assets from a Google Storage bucket within a Google Container Registry automated build?

0 votes

How do I linking to a non-standard library when building an R package

0 votes

How to make a DT datatable row selection sticky in an R Shiny app

0 votes

Full Text Searching in Apple's Core Data Framework

0 votes

a sub viewcontroller notify the root viewcontroller to load another sub viewcontroller

0 votes

Question: can the title of my setting differ from the title of my executable/application?