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  • Member for 13 years, 2 months
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17 votes

maven release plugin ignores releaseProfile

16 votes

Android onActivityResult NEVER called

10 votes

How do I modify a Homebrew formula?

7 votes

Gradle ADT 0.4 error: android.buildToolsVersion is missing

6 votes

How to keep connection alive in java

4 votes

How do I pass non-string data to a named route in Flutter?

3 votes

Chrome extension: How to save a file on disk

3 votes

How to execute youtube-dl from Java

3 votes

Solving a "communications link failure" with JDBC and MySQL

2 votes

Maven-like structure in Dart seems impossible

2 votes

Error running SQL queries with Liquibase

2 votes

Are there any decent scripting languages that use functional programming?

2 votes

Running an exploded spring-boot jar from command line

2 votes

How can I cast a StringCol to an IntCol in krangl?

1 vote

Does Ruby have a `Pair` data type?

1 vote

how to compile typescript with react definitions

1 vote

Prevent HTML5 standard video controls from fading out?

1 vote

Cannot run Junit tests from IDEA 13.0 IDE for imported gradle projects

1 vote

Synchronize directories with Gradle

1 vote

How to access a Dart class in a unit test

1 vote

HTML5 audio crackle in Chrome

1 vote

jquery mobile vertical align back button

1 vote

How to execute youtube-dl from Java

1 vote

Simulate empty response if server is down

1 vote

Launchd plist cannot load

1 vote

Java - Insert a single row at a time into google Big Query ?

1 vote

Vagrant + Virtual Box Session error

1 vote

How to split a Thai sentence, which does not use spaces, into words?

0 votes

User defined class available in CLASSPATH when starting H2 Database Server at command line

0 votes

Can MongoDB be hosted in-process?