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anisoptera's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years
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35 votes

iOS Swift max(), min()

18 votes

How to make the division of 2 ints produce a float instead of another int?

7 votes

Generate random 6 digit number

4 votes

Most efficient internal database for a media player

3 votes

Should I -drain or -release an autorelease pool in iPhone OS?

3 votes

Unpacking stack objects (such as structs) using "if let"

2 votes

Do I have to release the nib's top level objects if I don't load the nib manually?

2 votes

How to check for in Swift

2 votes

How can I avoid interrupting audio that is already playing when my app launches?

2 votes

Strange COM interop exception 0x80005000 using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement libraries

2 votes

is it ever sensible to use WCF concurrency combination InstanceContextMode=Single and ConcurrencyMode=Multiple?

2 votes

What does zip do, in layman's terms?

1 vote

Return SHA256 hash of PDF page

1 vote

Swift Exceptions to Exception handling

0 votes

How to find and replace string?

0 votes

How to reload/refresh view from app delegate?

0 votes

Modifying sort key in awakeFromFetch doesn't update sort order

0 votes

Import RSA keys to iPhone keychain?

0 votes

Scrolling with two fingers with a UIScrollView