Stuart Ellis's user avatar
Stuart Ellis's user avatar
Stuart Ellis's user avatar
Stuart Ellis
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
9 votes

How to update to Ruby 1.8.7

6 votes

Build MVC structure on top of Sinatra

5 votes

How do you figure out what the older versions are for a particular Ruby Gem?

4 votes

Choosing a source control system: logical next steps after VSS

4 votes

Git/SVN for development instead of VSS?

4 votes

Are there any Object Databases for Ruby?

4 votes

Ruby tools to set up a personal website

3 votes

Unit Testing for an Absolute Beginner - I'm using Ruby

3 votes

Loading spec.opts when testing pure Ruby program

3 votes

What tools do web developers use with PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python, etc?

2 votes

Maintaining unrelated directories in one git repository

2 votes

Should I use composite primary keys or not?

2 votes

complicated installation spagetti of latest Rails 2.3.5

2 votes

How should I copyright and license my free software?

2 votes

How to check for user credentials using active directory and a ruby script

2 votes

How to understand scripting language like Ruby from a C/C++/VBNET programmer perspective?

2 votes

Building Admin Areas in Rails - General Questions

2 votes

demystify source version control with visual studio 2010

2 votes

Implementing a database structure for generic objects

2 votes

NHibernate Schema Generation

1 vote

HSQL access from both Java and Ruby?

1 vote

.NET Build Process

1 vote

Multiple Rails versions for multiple projects

1 vote

how to code web/application server in ruby?

1 vote

How would you use version control for personal data, like a personal website?

1 vote

Best Ruby ORM for Wrapping around Legacy SQL Server Database?

1 vote

Which virtualization software for windows to virtualize a linux distro for small web server etc?

1 vote

Git versus Mercurial for .NET developers?

1 vote

Single Person Application Development?

1 vote

What is the best way to layout/design a long complex web form to collect user input