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mr.stobbe's user avatar
mr.stobbe's user avatar
mr.stobbe's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
10 votes

How do I inherit javascript functions ?

5 votes

Why does clang++ warn about inlined enable_if and then fail to link?

3 votes

C++ random generator with provided (at least estimated) entropy

3 votes

Create a random permutation of 1..N in constant space

1 vote

Stopping user from accessing admin area via URL

1 vote

Two threads using the same websock handle- does it cause any issue?

1 vote

How would one avoid race conditions from multiple threads of a server sending data to a client? C++

1 vote

Get the first 4 digits of each element of an array

1 vote

Swapping two values within a 2D array

1 vote

error while assigning to a variable in c++

1 vote

Where is this PHP directive (include_path) being set?

1 vote

Is it possible to make a minimal perfect hash function in this situation?

1 vote

Determining if a file exists in C based on the string path

1 vote

Sending a Password via TCP in C#

1 vote

ActionScript 3 - PHP sending data via AMF (or whatever) encrypted

1 vote

PHP performance on shared hosting

0 votes

mySQL 5.5 starting server/ privelages denied in snow leopard

0 votes

PHP if else echo issue

0 votes

can't create two custom exception classes inheriting from std::logic_error

0 votes

why am getting different milliseconds value in compared to both (QTIme & QueryPerformanceCounter)

0 votes

Wrapping a C++ class for export to a dynamic language using variadic templates

-1 votes

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