I have two folders, folder1 and folder2 with around 200 files each that are either *rda or *R. I want to read all of the files and datasets from the two directories. How can I do that?

Paths for:

folder1:  C:\folder1
folder2:  C:\folder2 

My trial

myls <- ls() # do work as this will only list that are already loaded in the system 
myls2 <- ls()
myls  # do work as this will only list that are already loaded in the system 

I know this is simple question, but I do not have any answer.

  • 2
    Generallly this will not succeed because *.R files need to be sourced while *.rda files need to be loaded.
    – IRTFM
    Commented Apr 24, 2012 at 4:14
  • @DWin: That's certainly convention, but I suppose the files could be saved either way. Ram Sharma: are the .R files actual R code? If so, my code is easy to rewrite (simply source all .R files and load all .rda files) Commented Apr 24, 2012 at 4:34
  • @DavidRobinson yes they are actual R codes (with functions)
    – SHRram
    Commented Apr 24, 2012 at 11:07

3 Answers 3


Since .rda requires load and .R requires source, I would do something like this:

file.sources = list.files(pattern="*.R")
data.sources = list.files(pattern="*.rda")

Update for reading from multiple folders at once

file.sources = list.files(c("C:/folder1", "C:/folder2"), 
                          pattern="*.R$", full.names=TRUE, 
data.sources = list.files(c("C:/folder1", "C:/folder2"),
                          pattern="*.rda$", full.names=TRUE, 

Notice also the use of $ at the end of the search pattern, to make sure it matches only, say, a .R at the end of a line, and the use of ignore.case in case some of the files are named, say, script.r.

  • 8
    You should use TRUE instead of T for the full.names and the ignore.case argument. Just think about T <- FALSE (which is totally legal) before your script. Furthermore, *. seems to be the wrong regular expression (as . is a special character, see ?regex). What you probably want is \\.rda$ or \\.R$.
    – Henrik
    Commented Apr 24, 2012 at 7:01
  • Can I run the multiple scripts simultaneously?
    – cyrusjan
    Commented Jan 31, 2018 at 22:21
for (f in list.files(pattern="*.R")) {
for (f in list.files(pattern="*.rda")) {

If you want to use tidyverse instead, you could use the map function to simplify:

my_path <- c("/path/to/files/")             # set your path
source_files <- list.files(my_path, "*.R$")  # locate all .R files
map(paste0(my_path, source_files), source)  # source all your R scripts!
  • 3
    Your regular expression will evaluate TRUE to anything with a capital R in it. E.g. VIRUS.exe or NotAnRobject.notR. You want \\.R$. list.files also does not need a full match.
    – Therkel
    Commented Apr 22, 2020 at 6:45

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