Solved by doing the following:
- Find the /[Long-path-goes-here]/all-product-headers.yaml (Go to Folder... in Finder)
- Replace the contents with the code below.
- Save and lock the file. (Get info for file, check locked.)
'version': 0,
'case-sensitive': 'false',
'roots': []
After this Xcode will complain about not being able to write the file with this error this is expected and doesn't seem to affect the build. Edit: For most people. If it prevents you from running try disabling Defines Module
in Build Settings
of your Target:
Unable to write to file /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/.. (You don’t have permission to save the file “all-product-headers.yaml” in the folder “”.)
Hat off to the discussion on Apple Developer forums. Also, this is the relevant issue in CocoaPods issue tracker.