I need access to user editable state from two or more reducers. Is there a way to access state controlled by another reducer without passing it to the reducer through the action's payload? I want to avoid having every action send user settings to reducers.
userSettings: {
someSetting: 5
reducer1State: {
someValue: 10 // computed with userSettings.someSetting
reducer2State: {
someOtherValue: 20 // computed with userSettings.someSetting
From the reducer1 I would like to get at userSettings.someSetting
using something like the following:
function update(state={}, action) {
if (action.type === constants.REDUCER_1.CALCULATE) {
return _.assign({}, state, {
someValue: 2 * GETSTATE().userSettings.someSetting
I do not want to have to send userSettings from the action like this:
export function calculate(userSettings) {
return {
type: constants.REDUCER_1.CALCULATE,
userSettings: userSettings