I have a stored procedure with several cursors. They are defined as IN OUT parameters. I would like to display the result of the cursors using SQL Developer. This is an example of the stored procedure:

SET serveroutput on;
         p_input_stream       VARCHAR2(200);
        p_msg_code            NUMBER;
         p_msg_parms                         VARCHAR2(200);
         p_return_code                       NUMBER;
         p_trailer_cur                    sl_globals.curtype_weak;

    /* Assign values to IN parameters */
    p_input_stream := '24954286Mnull|5155035|2|436|SCAN|47720|XTRA|0105||5155035||||N|~|\r';
    p_trailer_cur := null;

EXEC TRAILER_INFO(p_input_stream, 
        p_msg_code, p_msg_parms, p_return_code, 

 /* Display OUT parameters */
    dbms_output.put_line('p_msg_code: ' || p_msg_code);
    dbms_output.put_line('p_msg_parms: ' || p_msg_parms);
    dbms_output.put_line('p_return_code: ' || p_return_code);

I have tried creating a refcursor variable and using it in place of p_trailer_cur like this

VARIABLE trailer_cur refcursor;
 EXEC TRAILER_INFO(p_input_stream, 
        p_msg_code, p_msg_parms, p_return_code, 
 print trailer_cur;

I get the error:

SP2-0552: Bind Varialbe "trailer_cur is not declared.

The variable is declared so I don't understand the error.

  • 2
    What is EXEC in your PL/SQL block? There is no such command in PL/SQL. Commented Feb 2, 2019 at 10:50
  • EXEC is a SQLPlus command - it's not part of the plsql language Commented Feb 6, 2020 at 15:46

1 Answer 1


Two ways SQL Developer supports this - the GUI and the Code.


If you execute your stored procedure from the Code Editor, find the stored procedure in the tree, click on it, use the Execute button - we'll grab ALL of your output, and show it below in the output panels:

enter image description here

And your attempt, the Code:

If you're in the SQL Worksheet and you have your anonymous block, you can run it with F5, including your print command.

Like so -

create or replace function get_emps(dno in number) return sys_refcursor
      return_value sys_refcursor;
      open return_value for
        select * from employees where department_id = dno;
      return return_value;

 var rc refcursor
 exec :rc := get_emps(90)

 print rc

enter image description here

  • Since I have several parameters to output, I would like to do it from the Worksheet. However, when I run it from the Worksheet, I get the error: Bind Varialbe "trailer_cur is not declared. The cursor is an IN OUT parameter. Commented Feb 1, 2019 at 21:03
  • @GloriaSantin your code block isn't complete? it shows some of what you're running, but not everything? Plus I don't have access to TRAILER_INFO() - can you try the code I shared? if you don't have an HR.EMPLOYEES table, then change the cursor query to whatever you have laying around Commented Feb 1, 2019 at 21:12
  • If it is an IN OUT parameter that is the cursor, what is the syntax to output the cursor? Commented Feb 1, 2019 at 21:21
  • ...to print it? should be the same, but see stackoverflow.com/a/22505596/1156452 Commented Feb 1, 2019 at 21:46
  • fwiw, SQLDev handles it either way for you, since you tagged sqldev, i showed you the GUI solution, it's literally 'push button' ready Commented Feb 1, 2019 at 21:47

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