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Download and read an Excel file into a pandas DataFrame without saving the Excel file

I'm making a request to download an Excel file. The response is in byte form. What I usually do is save this response body as an Excel file using: with open('filename.xlsx', 'wb') as f: f.write(...
Jff's user avatar
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Signlar Debugging on Azure

I have a service that hosts a signalr hub. It is deployed to Azure. I am attempting to debug the signalr hub on Azure and using Azure debugging features in Visual Studio. I'm not able to have ...
user23478542's user avatar
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Cannot build app on real device due to Undefined symbols

I am encountering a linker error in Xcode while trying to build my project, which uses Alamofire 5.8.1 and Firebase 11.5.0. The error is as follows: ld: Undefined symbols: _main, referenced from: ...
user1801745's user avatar
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In C#, how can I return a value or set of values from an embedded form to it's parent?

I'm in the process of building a windows forms application, which has a number of forms. One of the forms will expose an embedded form when a particular button is pressed. I want the end-user to be ...
Ian Henderson's user avatar
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plx check my portfolio and tell me what corrections should i have to made and what need to be added

Review and correct my portfolio and tells me what you think about it i think its better but i use template, i use php and mysql so what do think
Nerv Bin Hambali's user avatar
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Understanding ef core Add-Migration

I tried finding this the source code to investigate how it finds the context but no luck with source code so far. Here is a my project structure EXE App containing EF Core Tools. Class library ...
Iftikhar Ali's user avatar
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iOS simulator takes extremely long time to boot on Xcode16

Our org's CI pipeline is experiencing extremely long build time due to iOS simulators takes a long time to boot (15+ minutes) This problem persist in all Xcode16 versions including the most recent ...
OLIVER.KOO's user avatar
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Getting "Exception: Invalid argument: id" when using openByID [duplicate]

I'm super new to GAS (literally started today). I'm trying to OpenByID, but I'm getting an error: Exception: Invalid argument: id Here's my code: function getWordCount(doc_id) { const file = ...
golden.sun's user avatar
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Calculated field to sum a specific event

On Looker Studio I'm importing the data that comes from GA4 and I want to do the following: Given a view, I want to understand which buttons the user has pressed and how may times that was made on a ...
RodolfoAntonici's user avatar
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Expo Router Link Failing After Navigating via Link Back & Forth 3 Times (iOS fails silently & Android crashes w "specified child already has parent")

Step 1: Click on the following on the Login page: <Pressable style={styles.button}> <Link href='/register' style={}> <Text>Don't have an account?{'\n'}Register&...
Emilio's user avatar
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Batch command for finding the password of a user?

I'm not going to pretend like I'm using this for some righteous or worthwhile purpose, I'm just trying to see the look on my friends' faces when I send them a batch file that shows their full password ...
MijiGamin1's user avatar
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Bug to running Flutter, help me

flutter run Launching lib/main.dart on sdk gphone64 x86 64 in debug mode... FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':google_sign_in_android:...
Bassirou Diaw's user avatar
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Get image or video from tweet using tweet id or url (with a good rate limit)

I would like to replicate the using python, it get all the videos url I tried to web scrap a tweet, but it loaded dynamically, so I discarded that option. I'm ...
AndresSp's user avatar
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Azure function trigger unable to access storage account with key access off

I'm testing an Azure function that has a blob trigger then writes a message in a message queue. I have "Allow storage account key access" disabled as we want to use Managed identities to ...
mac's user avatar
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how to learn a framework in depth? for example, Spring, Netty, Dubbo [closed]

I'm a mid-level Java engineer and I often do business development. Now I want to study some frameworks used in my work, such as Netty, Spring, Spring boot, Mybatis-Plus, Hibernate, and learn how these ...
Francis's user avatar
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How to keep the Row Variable constant but change the Column in Excel?

Excel newbie, please forgive if its an easy question. Say for example, I want to pull data from one sheet to the next, but the data is organized HORIZONALLY (i.e. B4, C4, D4, E4, etc). Please advise. ...
Lmat09's user avatar
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How to mask/hide URL with Nginx Proxy Manager?

First of all, thanks in advance for taking some of your time to read this. I would like to get some help. I'm using Nginx Proxy Manager Proxy Hosts option to convert this:
Darknicks's user avatar
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enumerating contiguous ones in kdb+

Given a list of 0s and 1s, say l: 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 I would like to get a sequence beginning with 1 for each contiguous set of 1s. Thus the required output should be l: 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 2. How can I ...
marital_weeping's user avatar
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Prevent automatic Spring OAuth2 redirect

I am trying to follow along the Spring Boot OAuth2 example, which sadly seems to be a bit outdated. The article describes a simple Spring Boot application that outsources login to an OAuth 2.0 ...
Socrates's user avatar
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How to evaluate elements of a character vector inside a function in R to dynamically create data variables? [duplicate]

I have a dataset similar to this: library(tibble) df <- data.frame( basket = c("A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6", "A7", &...
Andrew Skelton's user avatar
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Failure/Error: choice = gets.chomp.upcase NoMethodError: undefined method `chomp' for nil [closed]

I have little experience in ruby development and I can't understand why this error occurs when running tests. Can you help me? class CashMachine START_BALANCE = 100.0 def initialize @balance =...
kickrich's user avatar
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How to Stop reloading the web when pressing enter in React

I am currently doing a simple to-do list, and I have a problem that when I click enter, my web will reload, which I expect will be adding a new task. Thank you for helping. handleSubmit = (event) =>...
Dinh Khoi Nguyen's user avatar
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How to save R interactive plots (e.g. plotly plots) in Linux?

I have created an interactive plot using plotly (with tooltips). I am using Linux command line interface. Is it mandatory to use RStudio to save these interactive plots as they are (not as static ...
Dovini Jayasinghe's user avatar
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Create a team webinar using Graph API

I am trying to create a webinar in team using my user as the presenter. In order to do that, I used the tutorial that is provided by Microsoft at this page :
David Brunelle's user avatar
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Why doesn't syslog's LOG_PERROR option cause the log priority to be printed?

The standard library for syslog allows you to specify the LOG_PERROR flag which causes syslog calls to additionally write the log message to stderr. I'm able to get it to print the message just fine, ...
JPM's user avatar
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The installShield Script we use does not pull Nuget-related DLLS from the solutions Primary output BIN folder, but does its own thing

Using InstallShield 2024R1 with a VB.Net Solution targeting DotNet 4.8 under Visual Studio 2022. We use several Nuget Packages. The installShield Script we use does not pull Nuget-related DLLS from ...
Stephen Simpson's user avatar
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what is the equivalent network ACL feature in GCP?

Does goole cloud have the network access control to help me define rules connected to existing VPC? please help no code
James Xu's user avatar
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How to get Odds Ratio from GLMM (with Confidence Intervals) using R?

I'm doing an analysis where I use a GLMM to analyze the effect of condition on final test accuracy with subject ID, Material, and Experiment as random effects accuracy_model<- glmer(...
a03_85's user avatar
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How to make Oh My Zsh display the output of `git branch` in a "normal" way?

On my Linux server when I use the git branch command it just displays the branches and the branch that I'm currently on. On my macOS when I use git branch it takes me to a separate window thing and I ...
Sean's user avatar
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Implicit Free List [closed]

Can someone explain to me how the number of Allocated Blocks are 6 and Free Blocks are 4 (according to the study guide answer). I have drawn out the allocated and free blocks in this I got 5 ...
Dat Nguyen's user avatar
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Can I perform DELETE queries in a controller that works in a PUT request endpoint?

I might've not explained well the question above since I am pretty much a rookie working with Express js. I have the following Route in my "barbershopRoutes.js" file: barbershopRoutes.put(&...
sebastián lozano's user avatar
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Is it possible in Haskell to derive a type from a value of another type so that any two different values result in various types?

Here is the context: newtype A = A Integer deriving (Eq) data PairOfA = PairA A A deriving (Eq) mkPairOfA :: [A] -> A -> A -> Maybe PairOfA mkPairOfA as a1 a2 = if a1 `elem` as && ...
Seeker's user avatar
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PHP static var in function shared between child class objects

I'm surprised that when using a static variable inside a function for simple caching, that the static value is retained between different child classes of the class the function lives in. Has this ...
jdog's user avatar
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How to prevent public users from crawling all data from Hasura table

In Hasura, I have a public role in my users table which is used on my site to display some users in a leaderboard section. They can be accessed and seen by public since these info include scores, name,...
Exzia's user avatar
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GET Method return empty array

I just want to know what exactly the solution for this. I am using PostgreSQL and there is one row in the table. I did the following: Drop the table in postgresql then re-run the application to ...
ravenrodrigo's user avatar
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Bootstrap radio button group in Blazor

I'm creating a form in Blazor and I like to have a segment like the following example Using Bootstrap, I have this code for that <div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label=&...
Enrico's user avatar
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MongoDB lookup join between string and UUID

I am trying to use mongo lookup operator to join data between two collections. I have a collection named parks looking { "_id": { "$binary": { "base64": "...
Varunkumar Manohar's user avatar
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Runtime error when using Global Variable in MS Access

I have made a login page for my project, and want to keep track of which user is logged in so that if they edit a form, their username can be attached for future record. I am trying to do this with a ...
Tom W's user avatar
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How can I debug IIS w3wp.exe in VSCode without running it as administrator?

I’m trying to debug an application hosted on IIS using VSCode, but I’m running into a permissions issue. When I open VSCode as a standard user, I cannot see the w3wp.exe process in the list of ...
Ben Grady's user avatar
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Change bytes into petabytes in kusto query

I have a kusto query that have two columns as shown below & size column is in bytes Database size sub1 2541304016738179270 sub2 2539224975164406590 How ...
HaiY's user avatar
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Calculating depth of the circuit - why can depth for full adder be 1?

I'm trying to do something in assembly. Before doing that, I would like to find out the depth of the circuit. I thought that a full adder (here VA) has a depth 3? There are two different critical ...
Maria P.'s user avatar
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Replace invalid delivery date with valid delivery date

There is table with Order id, delivery date and delivery sequence number and record update date & time. When the product is in warehouse then delivery date is default date 1999-12-31 and when ...
Ramesh's user avatar
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Why image background of the button is not showing? [closed]

I'm writing a website and I encountered one problem. I used 'background-image' in CSS, but instead of my image I see grey square. It's Q&A section. Here is the HTML structure and CSS code (I ...
Nari's user avatar
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tbl_summary in R and using it to make SPSS like output tables

I really like the tbl_summary function, as it has helped me with displaying all variables within a dataset. However, is it possible to use it to have relative and cumulative frequencies, as well as a ...
Reap409's user avatar
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begginer in terraform: azurerm_container_group 400 bad request

I'm getting the following error: Error: creating Container Group (Subscription: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" Resource Group Name: "mudkip-rg" Container Group Name: "...
gsistelos's user avatar
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Rolling 3 Month sum is not aggregating correctly

I'm having an issue with rolling 3 month sums in databricks. I've used window function many times and have not had an issue. However, I have not done it databricks. Basically, I'm trying to calculate ...
Jordan Olson's user avatar
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Detect cards when its in the specific area in the camera live feed in SwiftUI

I want to create a custom camera app in swiftUI for detecting cards and capturing it. I have four corner brackets so when a card like object comes inside those brackets I need to detect it and capture ...
Sins97's user avatar
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Why is my MailMerge Toolkit Add-in not sending emails at the very last step?

'The RPC server is unavailable.' --------------------------- 'Error: "The RPC server is unavailable." Description: "Call of [OnResolveNameBefore] failed: 'The RPC server is unavailable.'...
Alina Shcherbakova's user avatar
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I have a dynamic component in Angular, it won't import any modules such Common and Forms module

I have a component that use a dynamic component to display a child component: in parent component, the child is declared as such @ViewChild('lscRef', { read: ViewContainerRef, static: false }) // ...
Dwarknight's user avatar
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How to get authorization header in Vue project?

I have a project written on Vue and uses Vue Router. I want to get Authorization header. As I can understand, Vue Router manages requests and route components. There is a method beforeEach in router ...
chudin26's user avatar
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