Luckily, yes. This is now possible using Oracle's ConnectionHelper extension.
It's a bit of hacky workflow, though. Hopefully they'll figure out a way to include in SQLDeveloper itself, because if management learns about adding a 'githubusercontent' repo they might misjudge the risks.
Also, be sure you make use of a pretty recent SQLDeveloper (20.2+).
But here goes:
- In SQLDeveloper, add the following update source, by going to Help -> Check for Updates and hitting 'Add':
- Select 'Connection Helper' and next-next-finish the wizard (you'll need to restart SQLDeveloper).
- Go to Tools -> Preferences and in the left pane, click the node 'Connection Helper', then in the main pane enable 'Accept command line connections'. You don't need any of the other check boxes for what you're asking.
- Close SQLDeveloper and start it from CLI:
sqldeveloper -myCLIconnection=user/pw@host:port/service
[This is a combination of what's documented by Oracle's thatjeffsmith on his blog and what Oracle's Brian Jeffries put in Oracle's github repo.]