Using SQL Plus a was able to export data into UTF-8 format as described in Set charset to UTF-8 in SQL*Plus However i need to do this in sql developer as well ?

The idea is to export it like in sql plus with the script not via GUI


How does this looks like is ->

in CMD WIN10 i have set

chcp 65001

then i called scripts to first set parameters

-- disable output on terminal
set term off
set termout off
--set date format that import with FW033 is possible
alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT='DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
-- suppress showing sql in result set
set echo off
-- only one header row
set pagesize 0
-- dont display the executed command
set verify off
-- eliminate row count message
set feedback off
-- make line long enough to hold data
set linesize 32767
-- eliminate trailing blanks
set trimspool on
-- eliminate not needed line breaks
clear breaks;
-- enable script name info
set appinfo on
set underline off
set colsep ';'

and then export with spool


spool c:\RD_OUTPUT.sql
    from dual;
    from RD_AC_ACTION;
    spool off

-> Result with SQL PLUS File in UTF-8 all ok.

If i run this in SQL Developer -> i got ??????? instead of for example ö

1 Answer 1


Just use SPOOL. Ensure that Preferences - Environment - Encoding is set to UTF-8.

cd c:\users\jdsmith\desktop
spool beer_emoji.txt
select 'it is 🍺 time' from dual;
spool off

enter image description here

  • Thanks. I edited the question -> the idea is to export it like in sql plus with the script not via GUI @"c\sqlexp\spool_files\export.sql"
    – Jeremy
    Commented Mar 10, 2023 at 12:58
  • then edit your question and show how how you're 'exporting' your data in sqlplus, as sqlplus has no export command. It does have a SPOOL... Commented Mar 10, 2023 at 13:16

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