Didn't check the whole thread, so it may already be here, but:
public static class FluentOrderingExtensions
public class FluentOrderer<T> : IEnumerable<T>
internal List<Comparison<T>> Comparers = new List<Comparison<T>>();
internal IEnumerable<T> Source;
public FluentOrderer(IEnumerable<T> source)
Source = source;
#region Implementation of IEnumerable
public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
var workingArray = Source.ToArray();
Array.Sort(workingArray, IterativeComparison);
foreach(var element in workingArray) yield return element;
private int IterativeComparison(T a, T b)
foreach (var comparer in Comparers)
var result = comparer(a,b);
if(result != 0) return result;
return 0;
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
public static FluentOrderer<T> OrderFluentlyBy<T,TResult>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T,TResult> predicate)
where TResult : IComparable<TResult>
var result = new FluentOrderer<T>(source);
return result;
public static FluentOrderer<T> OrderFluentlyByDescending<T,TResult>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T,TResult> predicate)
where TResult : IComparable<TResult>
var result = new FluentOrderer<T>(source);
result.Comparers.Add((a,b)=>predicate(a).CompareTo(predicate(b)) * -1);
return result;
public static FluentOrderer<T> ThenBy<T, TResult>(this FluentOrderer<T> source, Func<T, TResult> predicate)
where TResult : IComparable<TResult>
source.Comparers.Add((a, b) => predicate(a).CompareTo(predicate(b)));
return source;
public static FluentOrderer<T> ThenByDescending<T, TResult>(this FluentOrderer<T> source, Func<T, TResult> predicate)
where TResult : IComparable<TResult>
source.Comparers.Add((a, b) => predicate(a).CompareTo(predicate(b)) * -1);
return source;
var myFluentlyOrderedList = GetABunchOfComplexObjects()
... assuming of course that all the predicates return types that are IComparable to themselves. It would work better with a stable sort like a MergeSort instead of .NET's built-in QuickSort, but it provides you with readable multi-field ordering ability similar to SQL (as close as a method chain can get, anyway). You can extend this to accomodate members that aren't IComparable, by defining overloads that take a comparison lambda instead of creating it based on a predicate.
EDIT: A little explanation, since the commenter got some upticks: this set of methods improves upon the basic OrderBy() functionality by allowing you to sort based on multiple fields in descending order of importance. A real-world example would be sorting a list of invoices by customer, then by invoice number (or invoice date). Other methods of getting the data in this order either wouldn't work (OrderBy() uses an unstable sort, so it cannot be chained) or would be inefficient and not look like it does what you're trying to do.