I am trying to test the RabbitTemplate#convertAndSend method that is written as a lambda, like so:
// other stuff omitted for brevity
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend(myQueue, jsonString, message -> {
return message;
// other stuff omitted for brevity
The test case I am trying to do is one where an ArgumentCaptor
is being used in order to verify that the method is called with correct parameters.
public void givenMyNotification_whenElementIsSent_thenSetPriorityAndSendValidParameters() {
final ArgumentCaptor<String> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
final int expectedPriority = 5;
final Notification expected = TestUtils.getNotification();
verify(rabbitTemplate).convertAndSend(captor.capture(), captor.capture(),
// assertThat...
The test fails at the verify step because the arguments are different.
<Capturing argument>,
<Capturing argument>,
interface org.springframework.amqp.core.MessagePostProcessor
Actual invocation:
I have tried several other Matchers from mockito and hamcrest but to no avail.
So, my questions are:
How does one test this kind of a thing?
Is this even a good practice or are there other/better ways to test rabbit template sending?