I looked through the solutions proposed to this question and could not see one that corresponds to a simple approach that I have used in Node.js.
I have defined a simple class PromiseMonitor, which takes a promise as the single parameter to its constructor, and has a string property .status
which returns the standard string values corresponding to the promise status, "pending", "resolved" or "rejected", and four boolean properties .pending
, .resolved
, .rejected
and .error
. The property .error
is set true only if .rejected
is true and the reject callback was passed an Error object.
The class simply uses .then()
on the promise to change the status of the PromiseMonitor when the promise is resolved or rejected. It does not interfere with any other use of the original promise. Here is the code:
class PromiseMonitor {
this._status = "pending";
this._pending = true;
this._resolved = false;
this._rejected = false;
this._error = false;
.then( ()=>{
this._status = "resolved";
this._resolved = true;
this._pending = false;
, (err)=>{
this._status = "rejected";
this._pending = false;
this._rejected = true;
this._error = err instanceof Error ? true: false ;
get status(){ return this._status; };
get pending(){ return this._pending; };
get resolved(){ return this._resolved; };
get rejected(){ return this._rejected; };
get error(){ return this._error };
To monitor the status of a Promise, simply create an instance of PromiseMonitor, passing the promise in as a parameter, for example:
let promiseObject = functionThatReturnsAPromise();
let promiseMonitor = new PromiseMonitor( promiseObject );
Now you can syncrhonously check all the properties of promiseMonitor, which will track the status of the original promise. Here is a test script that demonstrates the three possible resolutions of a promise being monitored.
let ticks = 0;
let tickerID = setInterval( ()=>{++ticks; console.log(`..tick ${ticks}`)}, 1000);
async function run(){
let delay = prmDelay(2000);
let delayMonitor = new PromiseMonitor(delay);
// normal handling of delay promise
delay.then((result)=>( console.log("Normal resolution of delay using .then()") ) );
console.log("delay at start:\n", delay);
console.log("delayMonitor at start:\n", delayMonitor);
await delay;
console.log("delay finished:\n", delay);
console.log("delayMonitor finished:\n", delayMonitor);
console.log("\n\n TEST2: Rejection without an Error test ================================")
let rejDelay = prmDelay(3000, "reject");
let rejMonitor = new PromiseMonitor(rejDelay);
// normal handling of reject result on promise
rejDelay.then((result)=>( console.log("Normal resolution of rejDelay using .then will not happen") )
, (err)=>( console.log("Rejection of rejDelay handled using .then")));
console.log("rejDelay at start:\n", rejDelay);
console.log("rejMonitor at start:\n", rejMonitor);
await rejDelay.catch( (err)=>{ console.log( "Caught error using .catch on rejDelay" ); });
console.log("rejDelay finished:\n", rejDelay);
console.log("rejMonitor finished:\n", rejMonitor);
console.log("\n\n TEST3: Rejection with an Error test ================================")
let errMonitor ;
let errDelay;
errDelay = prmDelay(1000, "error");
errMonitor = new PromiseMonitor(errDelay);
// normal handling of results of the original promise
console.log("Normal expiry of errDelay");
console.log("Monitor Status is " + errMonitor.status )
, (err)=>{
console.log("** Rejection of errDelay handled using .then()");
console.log(" Monitor Status is " + errMonitor.status )
console.log("errDelay at start:\n", errDelay);
console.log("errMonitor at start:\n", errMonitor);
await errDelay;
console.log("**** This should never be run");
} catch(err) {
console.log( "** Caught error on errDelay using try{}catch{}:" );
console.log( " Monitor Status is " + errMonitor.status )
console.log("errDelay finished:\n", errDelay);
console.log("errMonitor finished:\n", errMonitor);
* Creates a new promise with a specific result
* @param {*} tt
* @param {*} exitType ("resolve", "reject" or "error")
function prmDelay (tt, exitType) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if( exitType == 'reject' ){
setTimeout(()=>{ reject("REJECTED")}, tt);
} else if( exitType== 'error'){
setTimeout(()=>{ reject(new Error( "ERROR Rejection") ); }, tt);
} else {
setTimeout(()=>{ resolve("RESOLVED") }, tt);
} ;
var promiseStatus = NEW_PRIVATE("Promise#status");
function atSET_PRIVATE(promise, promiseStatus, status);
console.log(Promise.new((resolve, reject) => {})
=>Promise { <pending> }