THe flightplanning-R
package has a function that calculates the minimum bounding rectangle, angle of orientation, height, and width. (
I've adjusted it slightly and used it below in another function to return an sf object with angle of orientation and a POLYGON geometry column. The angle is from 0 (east-west) to 180(also east-west), with 90 being north-south.
# Copied function getMinBBox()
# from
# credit there given to: Daniel Wollschlaeger <>
nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"), quiet = TRUE) %>%
st_geometry() %>% st_as_sf()
getMinBBox <- function(x) {
stopifnot(is.matrix(x), is.numeric(x), nrow(x) >= 2, ncol(x) == 2)
## rotating calipers algorithm using the convex hull
H <- grDevices::chull(x) ## hull indices, vertices ordered clockwise
n <- length(H) ## number of hull vertices
hull <- x[H, ] ## hull vertices
## unit basis vectors for all subspaces spanned by the hull edges
hDir <- diff(rbind(hull, hull[1, ])) ## hull vertices are circular
hLens <- sqrt(rowSums(hDir^2)) ## length of basis vectors
huDir <- diag(1/hLens) %*% hDir ## scaled to unit length
## unit basis vectors for the orthogonal subspaces
## rotation by 90 deg -> y' = x, x' = -y
ouDir <- cbind(-huDir[ , 2], huDir[ , 1])
## project hull vertices on the subspaces spanned by the hull edges, and on
## the subspaces spanned by their orthogonal complements - in subspace coords
projMat <- rbind(huDir, ouDir) %*% t(hull)
## range of projections and corresponding width/height of bounding rectangle
rangeH <- matrix(numeric(n*2), ncol=2) ## hull edge
rangeO <- matrix(numeric(n*2), ncol=2) ## orthogonal subspace
widths <- numeric(n)
heights <- numeric(n)
for(i in seq(along=numeric(n))) {
rangeH[i, ] <- range(projMat[ i, ])
## the orthogonal subspace is in the 2nd half of the matrix
rangeO[i, ] <- range(projMat[n+i, ])
widths[i] <- abs(diff(rangeH[i, ]))
heights[i] <- abs(diff(rangeO[i, ]))
## extreme projections for min-area rect in subspace coordinates
## hull edge leading to minimum-area
eMin <- which.min(widths*heights)
hProj <- rbind( rangeH[eMin, ], 0)
oProj <- rbind(0, rangeO[eMin, ])
## move projections to rectangle corners
hPts <- sweep(hProj, 1, oProj[ , 1], "+")
oPts <- sweep(hProj, 1, oProj[ , 2], "+")
## corners in standard coordinates, rows = x,y, columns = corners
## in combined (4x2)-matrix: reverse point order to be usable in polygon()
## basis formed by hull edge and orthogonal subspace
basis <- cbind(huDir[eMin, ], ouDir[eMin, ])
hCorn <- basis %*% hPts
oCorn <- basis %*% oPts
pts <- t(cbind(hCorn, oCorn[ , c(2, 1)]))
## angle of longer edge pointing up
dPts <- diff(pts)
e <- dPts[which.max(rowSums(dPts^2)), ] ## one of the longer edges
eUp <- e * sign(e[2]) ## rotate upwards 180 deg if necessary
deg <- atan2(eUp[2], eUp[1])*180 / pi ## angle in degrees
return(list(pts=pts, width=heights[eMin], height=widths[eMin], angle=deg))
## Use getMinBBox in a custom function to return an sf object
min_box_sf <- function(x){
crs <- st_crs(x)
x_as_matrix <- st_coordinates(x)[,1:2]
min_box <- getMinBBox(x_as_matrix)
box <- sfheaders::sf_polygon(min_box$pts) %>%
box$angle <- min_box$angle
# Testing on a county in the nc dataset with an unusual shape and orientation:
#> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 2 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -76.19819 ymin: 35.11926 xmax: -75.31058 ymax: 36.23016
#> Geodetic CRS: NAD27
#> id geometry angle
#> 1 1 POLYGON ((-76.19819 36.0092... 117.4866
#Plotting county 56 & the associated minimum bounding box
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = nc[56,],
fill = 'red',
alpha = .2) +
geom_sf(data = min_box_sf(nc[56,]),
fill = NA)
The unusually shaped Dare County, NC has a minimum bounding box with a 'long' orientation of about 117 degrees, or north-north-west to south-south-east.
# Using the function on each row of an sf object.
# note the crs is not retained.
pmap_dfr(nc, min_box_sf)
#> Simple feature collection with 100 features and 2 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -84.32385 ymin: 33.86573 xmax: -75.31058 ymax: 36.87134
#> CRS: NA
#> First 10 features:
#> id angle geometry
#> 1 1 177.0408464 POLYGON ((-81.74847 36.2486...
#> 2 1 179.0078231 POLYGON ((-81.3505 36.36728...
#> 3 1 178.4492784 POLYGON ((-80.97202 36.2365...
#> 4 1 136.8896308 POLYGON ((-75.59489 36.2906...
#> 5 1 149.5889916 POLYGON ((-77.71197 36.8713...
#> 6 1 179.5157854 POLYGON ((-77.21774 36.2322...
#> 7 1 147.1227419 POLYGON ((-75.90195 36.2792...
#> 8 1 0.1751954 POLYGON ((-76.95329 36.2937...
#> 9 1 0.1759289 POLYGON ((-78.32017 36.1949...
#> 10 1 179.0809855 POLYGON ((-80.02092 36.5467...
Plotting all the counties minimum bounding boxes together:
pmap_dfr(nc, min_box_sf) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_sf(alpha = .2)
Created on 2021-08-20 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)