I want to add a command line flag. It's a flag, so it does not take an argument, it is either present or not. I also need to know how to read the flag, either TRUE or FALSE.

This is the code for defining the flag:

        .help("I want metal micky"),

I am trying to read the value like this:

let z = matches.value_of("metal");

However it is resulting in None when I print it:

println!("FLAG: {:?}", z);

It is None even when I specify the flag on the command line.

5 Answers 5


This can be done with the action attribute. If your field is a bool then by default the action selected is ArgAction::SetTrue.

This is quite nice since you don't need to set a value when you call the argument. It sets the value by default to true if used and false if not used when running the program.

use clap::Parser;

/// This is a simple program
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
struct Args {
   /// It just works!
   #[clap(long, short, action)]
   it_just_works: bool,

fn main() {
   let args = Args::parse();

    println!("It just works {}!", args.it_just_works)

To change the default behavior you can do this:

#[clap(long, short, action=ArgAction::SetFalse)]



Don't know if this is the "approved" method but I use Args::takes_value:

        .help("I want metal micky"),

Then check if the flag was passed with matches.is_present("metal")

  • 3
    In current Clap stable version this answer is outdated. Check out ciresh's one. To be short: replace takes_value(false) with num_args(0). Commented Jan 26, 2023 at 14:33

The builder based answers are both out of date. with_name() has been replace with new() in 3.0 and takes_value() has been replace with num_args() in 4.0. Also is_present() has been replace with contains_id() in 3.2. The new version would be:

        .help("I want metal micky"),

Check if the flag was passed with contains_id()


The currently accepted answer is slightly outdated, you no longer have to specify required(false) when you specify takes_value(false). So, what you need is:

        .help("I want metal mickey")

and check the presence with matches.is_present("metal").


As of clap 4.4.11 use clap::ArgAction::SetTrue, you must also explicitly specify either a short or long version of the flag otherwise you will get this panicking error thread 'main' panicked at 'Argument 'metal` is positional and it must take a value but action is SetTrue'.

        .help("I want metal micky"),

Note that required is implicitly set to false.

You get boolean value of the flag as so

let metal_micky_flag = matches.get_one::<bool>("metal").unwrap();

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