I'm trying to create a RESTFUll API endpoint with ORACLE APEX using the PUT method (UPDATE) where i need to update the value of a column in a specific row, but when i try to test the method in POSTMAN it returns STATUS 555 USER DEFINED RESOURSE ERROR, and if i try to use the url directly into browser, it returns error 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED. I'm trying this way:

enter image description here

Does anyone know why it`s not working correctly?

1 Answer 1


Have you tested that pl/sql block ? I see 2 errors. That could explain the 555 error

  update usu_int_foods
     set email = :email -- missing equal sign
   where cod_cracha = :id; -- missing semi colon

In addition to that, what payload did you pass in POSTMAN ? Your code references a bind variable :email but you do not references that anywhere or mention how you pass that value in the call.

Also, accessing a PUT rest endpoint in a browser will never work (more info here)

Best place to start with restful webservices is read Jeff Smith's very complete posts or Tim Hall's

  • This is 100% correct, nice answer Koen! Commented Aug 24, 2022 at 17:14

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