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Oracle SQL Developer Web - Navigator objects not loading

Installed Oracle-Apex/ Oracle-ORDS on Windows 10 and all working fine apart from some weird issue when accessing SQL Navigator page where the object panel will not load (just get busy hr glass). The ...
NickPike's user avatar
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Error 503 - ORA-28000: The account is locked - Oracle APEX

These days when I tried to sign in to oracle APEX , I faced Error 503 - ORDS was unable to make a connection to the database. ORDS is not able to proxy to the target user because that user is locked. ...
Faezeh_Ebrahimi's user avatar
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ORDS not start ORA-12504, TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA

I installed ORDS 24.2.3 with APEX 24.1 and oracle database 19c but when I start ords then it gives this error: Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-...
JAWAD KHAN's user avatar
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Oracle ORDS GET handler with associative array as input parameter

I would like to create a handler using http GET to invoke the following PL/SQL procedure create or replace PROCEDURE test_array ( ait_string IN dbms_sql.varchar2_table, query_result out ...
Vitor Mira's user avatar
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Set Oracle wallet for all APEX REST requests

TLDR: I'm trying to setup a Rest Enabled SQL Service (RESS) Reference between two internal servers with self-signed certificates I have two internal servers as follows: serverA, running Oracle, APEX ...
ClarenceG's user avatar
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Oracle ORDS Filter Query Date is NULL

I use ORACLE ORDS. I have a collection with dates and want to filter all Dates with null values with the q parameter. {"cancellation_date":"$null"} I get an ORA-01858 error {&...
Jens k's user avatar
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Setting the status_code in a Oracle Rest Api source type ords.source_type_collection feed service

I have a collection service that fetches all the items linked to an entity and gives a summary for each item with the page functionality given by collection services this works great. However I have a ...
Jurgen Smith's user avatar
-1 votes
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Configuring SSL for apex with TOMCAT with ORDS

I need to configure SSL to access APEX applications using https, I am deploying them on tomcat. but i get 500 internal server error when accessing applications deployed on tomcat with ssl. using https:...
Syed's user avatar
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Authenticate ORDS webservice with Basic Auth

I created a new user in Apex through the front end(not script) and assigned "Restful Services" role to it. In my privilege, I added my protected module and added the same role "Restful ...
anoop ramachandran's user avatar
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Can't access Oracle Apex loging page

Im installing oracle apex 18.2 in my 12c database. I've completed the instalation, changed admin password, ran apex_epg_config and unlocked the accounts. Im also running apex in the port 8080, but ...
Mateo R's user avatar
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Collaboratively Developing ORDS Webservices for Another Schema with Multiple Oracle Users

I am currently working with a team to develop Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS), and each team member has a standard Oracle user account. We need to create and modify webservices for another schema in ...
Jens k's user avatar
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Open PDF file in browser from Oracle directory

I am working on an Apex Application and I have a PDF file in an oracle directory (in the database server filesystem), now I want the client to open it when he clicks a button. I searched similar ...
Smn Dvp's user avatar
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Cannot make Tomcat 9.0.75 work with ORDS 22.2 or ORDS 23.1

I am installing Oracle Apex 23.1 and to access the Developer Interface and the Applications, I am installing Tomcat 9.0.75 (Windows) and ORDS 23.1. When i run the ORDS as a standalone server, ...
Fabio Ceron's user avatar
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How to Increase JDBC fetchSize in ORDS and Improve Response Time for Large Resultsets?

We are looking at using Oracle REST Data Services to return some large datasets, but the response time is really slow. We have the ORDS server installed in a different region compared to the Oracle ...
Göran Paues's user avatar
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ORDS not like - is it possible?

I'm trying to consume Oracle ORDS endpoint which works correct. The problem is when i try to add a query of type NOT LIKE I'm receiving - bad request (400) My URL looks like :
Harry Birimirski's user avatar
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How to use query filtering in ORDS on values in an array

I have a ORDS GET API endpoint structured as follows available at a sample URI like this https://myapi.test/data/customer/:customer_id/connections select :customer_id as CUSTOMER_ID, CURSOR(SELECT ...
sevre's user avatar
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APEX Application ORDS_VERSION missing

I am setting up Oracle APEX application on Amazon Linux 2 and AWS Oracle RDS. while installing ORDS am getting below error. ORDS_VERSION is missing
Linux Enthusiast's user avatar
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ORDS: The username or password for the connection pool named |default|lo|, are invalid, expired, or the account is locked

The username or password for the connection pool named |default|lo|, are invalid, expired, or the account is locked I have followed all the process in this tutorial(
Efam's user avatar
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Installing Apex on Docker with the file conn_string.txt created but Docker saying it doesn't exists

I am trying to install Apex on Docker Desktop. Althouhg I am following the oficial guide on , I get errors regarding the conn_string.txt ...
xuxuines's user avatar
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ORDS authentication: username and password possible?

I'm using Oracle Rest Data Services (ORDS) to build APIs. The client requires basic authentication (username and password). This does not seem to be supported by OAUTH2. Is there another way I can ...
JacquesB's user avatar
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Change ORDS URL with IIS URL Rewrite

I've written a set of REST APIs (Oracle ORDS) with the URL following format: https://servername:8443/ords/schema_alias/module_name/handler_name/p1/p2 The requirement from the client is that it be in ...
JacquesB's user avatar
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ORDS ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

During installation, ORDS created a TEST user and granted rights, according to the instructions ORDS Installer Privileges Script. Issued the appropriate rights. But when trying to enable ...
Alex1__1's user avatar
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Response with Clob paramaters on ORDS

I've a post method that response with user data, name, id, etc. { "allowed": "SI", "id": 2112, "name": "Manuela Merlo", "age"...
Pedro Luque's user avatar
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Oracle ORDS REST modules - use optional parameters in PL/SQL Procedure

I have to create a RESTful service and into the GET handler I have to call a pl/sql procedure. This service can take optional parameters (e.g. http://localhost:8080/ords/Orders/getOrders?status=...
alexsmt's user avatar
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RESTful service - file name and extension in URL

I created RESTful service in Oracle apex to get BLOB - images from one table. Everything goes fine and when I browse my link I get a picture in my browser. My link goes something like: https://...
Octavarium's user avatar
-1 votes
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Oracle ORDS middle-tier scalability, as it ties to OCPU allocation on Oracle Autonomous DB

I'm looking for any specific architecture information with regard to how the APEX ORDS middle-tier layer scales on an ADB implementation. Specifically, as a factor of changing the OCPUs for the ADB, ...
RayC1's user avatar
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Is there a way to check ORDS current running processes?

The following issue happens in multiple browsers, mutiple users both in Dev and Prod Environments. While working in 4 specific pages, the users are reporting it to freeze at random moments of the day ...
Paulo Künzel's user avatar
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How can i create a PUT method endpoint in Oracle REST Data Services using Oracle APEX?

I'm trying to create a RESTFUll API endpoint with ORACLE APEX using the PUT method (UPDATE) where i need to update the value of a column in a specific row, but when i try to test the method in POSTMAN ...
pedro.curti's user avatar
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Unable to get the REST Data Services option in SQL Developer after ORDS installation

I've done a standalone installation of ORDS for experimental purposes (just HTTP) and REST enabled a schema via the command line: ORDS.ENABLE_SCHEMA(p_enabled => TRUE, p_schema =&...
four_seasons's user avatar
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What is the server path for standalone ORDS running Oracle APEX?

I am trying to put a php file on a folder and call it using UTL_HTTP.REQUEST from SQL and in APEX. I used xampp software to host it and it works. So I was wondering if there is a way to put in a file &...
Adnan's user avatar
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SQL Error Code 6550, Error Message: ORA-06550

I have an ORDS 'PUT' procedure called "update_player". When I run my code (C#) I get the following message: "cause": "An error occurred when evaluating the SQL statement ...
PeterK's user avatar
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About check Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) load

In my company, we launched oracle ORDS, and we are serving 3 REST modules. But, I can't understand how to match the activity of the base with the activity of each module. That is, I have the ...
joluinfante's user avatar
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Call custom-domain REST-Enabled SQL Service from APEX Developer Service

My production app is an APEX application already running in a custom domain ( I've already configured REST-enabled SQL Service, and connected to it successfully from another APEX ...
ClarenceG's user avatar
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Oracle REST Data Services, JSON vs HTML error responses

I have a REST API with POST method and it works fine. But on a custom 400 status code error response the content-type seems to be html rather than json. Sample: 400 , 79ms, 23 bytes api_status_code: ...
John's user avatar
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How to enable cache in ORDS?

I have ORDS deployed on a windows machine behind an Oracle Apex application. I would like to enable cache on ORDS. I tried the following but nothing is happening. ORDS is not caching anything and the ...
Thomas Carlton's user avatar
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Oracle Rest API multiple rows

I have to create a GET type of API and I have to connect two tables. For example, I have the following tables: Table 1: customer_id: {001} first_name: {f_name} last_name: {l:name} Table 2: ...
dendiie's user avatar
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Does anyone seen this error oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException: The endRequest call failed

I have APEX running in tomcat. Recently after upgrading to latest ORDS 21.4.2 and APEX 21.1 when trying to access application I'm getting error. This seems to happening only in the morning after ...
baalowy's user avatar
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Oracle ORDS SQL WEB setup to store app users data

I am new to development and learning through lot of youtube videos and oracle documentation. I have a question for which I was not able to find a solution online and was hoping someone could help ...
Nat85's user avatar
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How to eliminate the extra parameters from ORDS

I am using sql developer and ORDS to enable a front end to fetch data. In the data returned through the REST service, I am getting parameters like "hasMore":false,"limit":25,"...
Vinayak's user avatar
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Why Oracle Rest Service returns 404 Not Found?

I have Apex 21 & ORDS installed. Apex works properly. I have the following RESTful service module: Whenever I access the module url, I'm getting the error 404 Not Found. ORDS is enabled for the ...
Thomas Carlton's user avatar
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The documentation generated by open-api-catalog in ORDS get an error when opening in Swagger

The documentation generated by open-api-catalog brings some errors which cannot open in Swagger. Examples that present in the browser console: duplicate mapping key missed comma between flow ...
Muka's user avatar
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If I want to use PL/SQL to query my JSON documents in a Oracle database (configured for JSON database, using Autonomous JSON Database), how would I retrieve the desired document and send it back to ...
David Min's user avatar
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ORDS was unable to make a connection to the database

I am seeing this issue frequently after I have implemented the ORDS in R12.2.9 upgrade. Our ORDS is hosted on a weblogic server this issue occurs when there are 10 connections updating a single table? ...
uditjain's user avatar
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Why am I getting error 17410 end of data on my rest api when I add a parameter to the query

I have ORDS 21 installed in a local 19c oracle database. I have created a stored procedure to list all the departments from the dept table with a cursor that lists the employees from the emp table. ...
dnraikes's user avatar
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Apex after install 404 not found The request could not be mapped to any database in Oracle rest data server

It's my first time using oracle and I try to use oracle apex so I start to : install oracle 19c version 19.3 install Tomcat9 install apex_20.2 install ORDS 20.3 after I install ords I unlock apex ...
user9742645's user avatar
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Converting JSON_ARRAY_T to expression list for SQL expression

In PL/SQL I can read and get a JSON_ARRAY_T object from the payload. Say I want to query a list of documents identified by their ids. The JSON sent in the payload is: {"id": [1, 2, 3]} and ...
David Min's user avatar
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Get path param value into ORDS prehook

Is there a way to get pathparam from url with get_cgi_env? Example: https://clientes/{codigo}. I would like to get the value from :codigo pathparam. Into handler GET, POST, PUT, etc. on endpoint it is ...
Muka's user avatar
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I have an error when I genobject ORDS using Oracle SQLcl

I have following error when I want to export ORDS object using: SQL> lb genobject -type ORDS; ORA-20850: Parameter p_module_id must not be null. ORA-06512: at "ORDS_METADATA.ORDS_EXPORT", ...
Salvador Arreola Rojas's user avatar
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How to get ORDS Prehook documentation and example

I didn't find enough documentation and examples about prehook implementations in Oracle ORDS. In the implementation I would like to know how to get a Http Header param, with user code and then to do a ...
Muka's user avatar
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Dynamic SQL with dynamic bindings in PL/SQL

I'm writing a REST handler in ORDS. The URL endpoint should allow queries to be made with a number of optional parameters. One way to write the PL/SQL code could be: DECLARE cur SYS_REFCURSOR BEGIN ...
David Min's user avatar
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