Jim Hall's answer is preferrable because while it indeed does not scroll to the bottom when you're scrolled up, it is also pure CSS.
Very much unfortunately however, this is not a stable solution: In chrome (possibly due to the 1-px-issue described by dotnetCarpenter above), scrollTop
behaves inaccurately by 1 pixel, even without user interaction (upon element add). You can set scrollTop = scrollHeight - clientHeight
, but that will keep the div in position when another element is added, aka the "keep itself at bottom" feature is not working anymore.
So, in short, adding a small amount of Javascript (sigh) will fix this and fulfill all requirements:
Something like https://codepen.io/anon/pen/pdrLEZ this (example by Coo), and after adding an element to the list, also the following:
container = ...
if(container.scrollHeight - container.clientHeight - container.scrollTop <= 29) {
container.scrollTop = container.scrollHeight - container.clientHeight;
where 29 is the height of one line.
So, when the user scrolls up half a line (if that is even possible?), the Javascript will ignore it and scroll to the bottom. But I guess this is neglectible. And, it fixes the Chrome 1 px thingy.