I need a named pipe to read and write.
In a program I create the pipe server using from kernel32.dll:
string PipeName = "\\\\.\\pipe\\myMT4";
int hPipe = CreateNamedPipeW(
The handle hPipe is valid - every things seems to be ok here!
But in a PowerShell-script I want to open a client, connect and open the writer -
and cannot connect => timed out
function connect{
Param ([PSObject] $h)
$h.Pipe = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream "\\.\pipe\PipeTest"
$h.Pipe.Connect( 5000 )
$h.Writer = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StreamWriter $h.Pipe, $h.Encode
I really would prefer this way to have a similar access when reading and writen
either from/to the pipe and sockets e.g.:
function write{
Param ([PSObject] $h, [string] $line )
try {
What is wrong? Thanks in advance, Gooly.
PS: It seems that the program cannot deal with pipe-servers - I have to open a pipe-client, and that works but that causes other problems:
I define for the PowerShell-pipe-server :
$pipeName = "testpipe"
$pipeDir = [System.IO.Pipes.PipeDirection]::InOut
$pipeMsg = [System.IO.Pipes.PipeTransmissionMode]::Message
$pipeOpti = [System.IO.Pipes.PipeOptions]::Asynchronous
$pipe = New-Object system.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream(
$pipeName, $pipeDir, 1, $pipeMsg, $pipeOpti )
$pipe.WaitForConnection() #
$sw = new-object System.IO.StreamWriter $pipe
$sw.AutoFlush = $true
$sw.WriteLine("Server pid is $pid")
1) My first problem is now that the powerShell-pipe-server is blocked by
until a client connects but it must handle 2 different sockets independently meanwhile and
2) if the client closes the connection I was unable to tell the client to open the same pipe again and the client gets the Windows-error: ERROR_PIPE_BUSY 231
Form the program I connect to the server with the kernel32.dll-function:
int CallNamedPipeW(string PipeName,
string outBuffer, int outBufferSz,
uint& inBuffer[], int inBufferSz,
int& bytesRead[], int timeOut
Any ideas?
it must handle 2 different sockets independently
? Do you mean it must handle multiple clients? Are you are setting up sockets for other tasks? One way to deal with the blocking nature of WaitForConnection is to run this script in a background job e.g.$serverJob = Start-Job -Name NamedPipeServer {$pipe = ... }
. This will spin up another PowerShell process in the background to service your script and the current PowerShell session will continue on to process other script.