I'm going to build a MySQL database for a social network style site, where users follow other users and then get updates from users their follow.
My DB is composed by one table with users base information:
| ID | username | password | email | ... other few columns |
The 'ID' is primary and 'username' and 'email' are unique and index.
then I have a table with users feed that should be showed only if another users follow it, 'ID' is always primary:
| ID | feed_to_show_in_home |
then a table with followers statistics to speed up users profile page:
| ID | followers_count | following_count |
And at least the real followers net table where are stored who follow who:
| ID | following |
In this table 'ID' and 'following' are both primary because an user can follow only once another user.
Now I would to ask if my structure is good from performance point of view. I'm worried especially about how to check if an user is following another user, stop following an user, and how to display feeds only if I'm following that specific user.
In any of that cases, the solution I've in mind is to scan always the full table length, but I think that this is not a good choice since this DB is planned to store over then 10,000 users.